Every Possibility

The officer had received minor treatment. Two small bandages stuck to his face, right cheek, then his forehead, and a wound on the back of his right shoulder that a wider band of tape had also covered.

He had told everything he had seen with his two comrades who had now died in a series of explosions on the cruise earlier. What he saw, found, and why the cruise exploded, all he had told Rachel D'Amethyst and Nathan Beardsley, and others around him.

Meanwhile, several rubber boats were still around the wreckage that had sunk in the middle of the sea. A small part of the rubble is still burning and emitting smoke.

They have not found the bodies of two of their comrades at all, only some of the bodies that had been there before on the cruise they found.

The bodies were collected in their respective body bags, on another ship. And they are still looking for the other bodies.