The Fortune

They seemed to be surrounded after the incident of Alexander who fell with Sofia. But they didn't give up and kept firing their guns.

Denia gasped, her gun ran out of bullets, she fumbled in her trouser pocket, and quickly took it off and checked her bag. Empty, she no longer has a supply of bullets.

"I'm out!" she shouted.

Jerry drew closer to Denia while pulling his daughter. The man no longer had his spear, the spear he had left when they were forced to run away from the savages earlier.

Alexander got up and went mad with a long gun in his hand. However, he didn't just shoot haphazardly, what he was aiming for was the heads of those savages. Thus, one shot would be enough to stop everyone who approached him.

Continuously firing his gun, Alexander inched backward, step by step until he was finally near Denia and Jerry. While Sofia crouched between Denia and Jerry covering her ears, she was still screaming in fear.