
On the same night and island, on another small beach on the north of the island. A woman about 25 years old was sitting alone in a dead tree, she looked restless. Occasionally, she looked at the watch on her wrist, as if she was waiting for someone.

The view of the small beach in the north of Virgin Island is quite beautiful. Especially, with the conditions of the sky being so clean, the moonlight that was so calm, also the presence of stars, coupled with the gust of wind that was not too strong that night, made the atmosphere around it so beautiful and felicitous for the loving couple there.

But no, the girl was alone, there was no one else around the little beach.

For the umpteenth time, she looked at her watch, it was already 8:15:21 pm. She looked around, then let out a long, heavy sigh. The person she was waiting for still had not been seen anywhere.