The Struggle

After all, he had not made a report in a long time.

But then he became doubtful. Isn't Earth already getting more and more chaotic so that life is getting more difficult and pathetic? In fact, in the last recording, Alina says humanity is going to face extinction.

That means whatever I'm doing now is a waste. It will only be a waste of life that will no longer mean anything. Not for me, not for science.

Yu then took a deep breath. Then he remembered the recording of the three girls in the Ark-02 earlier.

"True," he muttered, "they didn't give up even though they knew no one would be able to hear let alone help them. Then, why should I give up?"

So he continued his desire to keep his journal recordings.


"Hi, Earth," he said. "Hmm, I don't know who to report this to. To Alina? Or, to those of you in the Watchtower? But, forget about that for now.