Something Missing

Jerry smiled wider, then he grabbed a broad leaf, and placed a scallop, two pieces of octopus, and a tuber in the leaf.

"Sweetie," he whispered to Sofia, "give this food to Alex. Poor him, he hasn't eaten in a while.

Sofia smiled and accepted the food, then stood up, approaching the yacht. She climbed onto the roof of the yacht from the bow to get to Alexander.

"Hey, Alex!"

But Alexander ignored the gentle call, his gaze remained fixed on the darkness in the middle of the sea, at the other end.

Sofia let out a long sigh, then she sat down to the man's left, placing the food in her lap.

"You haven't eaten, Alex," she said. "I'm afraid you'll get sick."

Then Sofia heard a soft sob from Alexander's mouth, the man lowered his head with shaken shoulders.

"Hey…!" Sofia reached her right hand over the man's back, grabbed his shoulder, and pulled him into her arms. "About Denia, I'm so sorry…"