So Near But So Far

At 08:30:00 in the morning, Yu returned to the cockpit room wearing only his pants, and no shirt. Then he sits and relaxes in the only special seat in the cockpit.

He didn't feel cold in the room because the temperature controller was still working fine.

"All right!" he said, rubbing his palms against one another. "Let's see," he touched the recorder logo on the left side of the main screen in front of him. "What kind of video do we get this time?"


"Is this correct?"

Yu frowned. In the tape, he saw two girls about 20 years old. One is sitting in a chair, pointing ahead, maybe at a screen or something in front of her, while her face is turned to the right, at another girl.

But for sure, both of them are wearing the same clothes, white clothes with the A02 logo which means they are on the same spaceship as the girls before, Yu thought.

"Yes, that is correct!" said the second girl.