Threat From the Sea

"Okay," Adrian nodded. "We can try that. And just hope that what you see is indeed a land."

"Yeah," the second man took a deep breath. "The people downstairs need to be calmed down."

"I know!" Adrian run the yacht, then turned towards the southwest as told by the woman and the third man beside him.

"Finally!" said a middle-aged woman in the main cabin.

"Have they found a good path?" asked a man in the other corner of the cabin.

"Who knows!" said the other. "Just look forward to it!"

The echoes of worry gradually diminished and disappeared completely. They looked much calmer with the yacht sailing again in the silence of the night, in the middle of the thick fog that surrounded the vast area.

But they didn't realize one thing, or maybe they knew and acted unwilling to know because of their desire to reach land as soon as possible, and that was the availability of fuel for their ships which was very low.