How having a friend feels like

The moment Mate left the place, the nurse turned to me. "Are you being bullied? Was he the one who pushed you down those stairs?"

Seeing how serious she looks makes me want to Laugh, but I dare not that. Not for her sake, but for my poor stomach that's currently paining me. I can't afford having more self inflicted pain on myself.

"No. Mate isn't like that. He protects me like a kid brother. He can't push me down." Mate saves me. He's not one to hurt me. The same way he don't allow anyone try hurting me.

"Kid brother? Aren't you both in the same classes? Isn't he of the same age as you are?"

" He is. " I nod.

I really hate people that don't mind their business. People like her are those who talk of things that doesn't in any way belong to them.

" Why..."

" Ouch! " I immediately cradle my stomach to stop her from talking more.

i don't think I can endure hearing more words from her. I really don't have the strength to answer ling questions I would have preferred not answering. Questions that really gets on my nerves.

"What's wrong?" She lightly touched my shoulders. "Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay? How can you ask that?" Instead of treating a poor person like I who came for treatment, she's asking unnecessary questions.

"I'll get right to it."


"Where are you parents?" The nurse asked.

She's currently through with treating me.

"You want to report me to them? You think am bullied?" I raise a brow. Outwards I look really confident and smug, but inside, am dying with nerves.

"You body says otherwise. You don't have an scar on you. My options are two, it's either you're not bullied, or the bullying recently started.

So, can I get your parents' number?"

" That's not possible. I don't think they have a phone wherever they are right now." I don't even know if they're alive or dead.

" What are you trying at?"

" They're probably dead. I live in the orphanage." I say with my entire on my legs. I really hate telling people of my parents.

Parents I don't even know if they're alive.

" Sorry..."

" You don't have to feel sorry about anything, you're not the one that killed them." I turn my face to the side to show her my words aren't up for some debate.

This is one of the reasons I don't let anyone know of my parents. I hate it when they say the sorry word as if they're the ones who killed them.


"How are you feeling?" Touching my forehead to make sure it isn't burning up, he smiled cheekily.

"Am okay."

"I can see that." He nods.

School have currently closed for the day. Mate came to take me back to the orphanage.

"Are we good to go?" He looks rather impatient to leave. It's as if he doesn't want to spend more time than necessary in here.

"You can go ask the nurse." I try sitting up.

"Don't you dare." Mate glares at me. "Lie still, I'll go check on the nurse. I'll be back before you know it." Dropping our backpacks on the chair, he walk towards the nurse's office.

I turn to look at both of our backpacks. Compared to mine, his is far neater and newer. It looks as if it was recently bought.

This is one thing I've not had the honour of having. All the things I make use of are all handed down to me that's why I most times wear oversize clothe to school.

My bullies all makes fun of me whenever they see me in one of the oversized clothes I put on to school.


"Let's go." Mate helps me sit up. "She said you can now leave." With his hand on my back, he helps me down. "Can you walk, or do you want my help?"

"I can walk." I take the first step to make sure am not feeling any pain, and I sure felt none.

I don't feel any pain in my body.

"Let's go then." Slinging both our backpacks on his back. Both of them on each of his shoulders.


As we walk towards the orphanage which is near to the school, I can't help but think on this two days of having Mate's support.

He's to me like a ray of sunshine. He came at a time I needed him the most.

Had it not being for him, those bullies would have taken my locket. They probably would have thrown it away by now.

"Thank you." I smile at him the moment we stop in front of the orphanage.

"For what?" He tilts his head as he continued up the stairs of the ancient orphanage.

An orphanage that looks neat Despite the ancient looks it have.

"For being there for me. I don't know what I would have done had you not made an appearance." I look down in embarrassment.

I Just can't afford to look straight into his beautiful eyes. Looking into them will make my heart beat faster.

I really can't tell why my heart beats really fast whenever he's near me, or he looks into my eyes, but I like the feeling. I might not know why it's so, but I like the warmness of my body whenever he's near.

This is likely how a person feels when they get a friend.

"You don't have to mention it. I had to do that. Saving you is what a good friend does." He smiles brightly.

" Thank you for being a friend. You really make me feel warm." Am in no way crying, but I can feel tears running down my face.

" Stop, you're making me feel mushy. Let's go." He slowly wipes my tears before taking my hand into his.

" Aren't we going to say out goodbyes here?"

I don't know how he got to be here yesterday, but am glad about that.

"Why should I do that?" He looks confused. "You don't want to be seen walking in with me?" He sounds hurt

"That's not it." I rush to add. I can't afford having him think I don't want to be with his Friends. " You've Brought me back, do you need to go in?"

" Why shouldn't I? That's where I live."