Is This Goodbye

"Just mind your business." Mate glares at them. His palm that isn't currently on my cheeks, he balled to a fist. His face showing his anger towards them.

"And if we don't?" One asked. The others sneered at us.

"I won't be responsible for what happens next." Mate sneers.

Seeing the look on his face made me know what he wants to do. It made it quite obvious. Of care's not taken, Mate plans on fighting. This I can't allow him do.

"It's okay. Don't mind them." I tried to get him to stop this before it becomes more. Knowing Mate, he won't stop all this if care's not taken. Fighting to him is a child's play.

One of the boys scoffs. "Guys, it seems this fag wants us to teach him a lesson." He growls in anger, the others supporting his words with shouts of encouragement. "Take a step more if you dare."

" Come on, and you'll see exactly who'll be taught a lesson." Mate gently pushed me to the side.

"Please don't go." I hold on to his shirt. Never planning on letting go until he listens to me. " I can beg them for our sake, just don't go. " I plead.

" We're not going to beg them. They're the ones who're supposed to do that. We won't beg them at all. " Mate gently remove my hand from his. " Please don't stop me Lat. " He pecks me on my forehead. " Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it. " With a smile, he walks towards the guys who have an expression of disgust on their faces.

The one in blue shirt( I think he's the leader based on how much he acts. ) motions for Mate to come Forward, and he did.

With him gone, I lean on the wall not knowing hay else to do. I don't know if I should take a step forward or one backwards.

Should I go and call the teachers? Will they be of help?

No, I don't think so. Not knowing what to do and how to help Mate, I lean on the wall, and decide to watch the fight unfold.

I need to be confident for Mate. I've not seen him lose a fight before.

"Guys let's teach him a lesson." Raising his hands up, he clapped twice. A smirk on his face.

And like that, the fighting started. The four advanced towards Mate who's now standing at a place. His expression looks really carefree compared to the angry sneers on the other's face.

I know the drill about this, Mate doesn't take the first step, he allows others start the fight.

The one on green shirt was the first to swing his fist towards Mate. Bending a little, Mate dodged the blow. Taking by surprise, the swinger didn't notice anything until Mate kicks him, and he fell to the side.

This became a wakeup call for the others who advanced towards him as a group. They had initially thought only one of them is capable of defeating him, but what they saw really proved them wrong.

Together, they charged towards Mate who expertly fought them off. His face as ferocious as a tiger.

You know, I've always seen him fight my bullies, but I've not seen him fight like this. I've never seen this kind of expression on his face before.

They continued on fighting Mate as their leader watched them. An angry expression on his face.

He really thought fighting Mate off will be a child's play, but he's in for some real surprise of His life. Mate isn't one to be trifled with.

As they kept on fighting, the only evidence that shows Mate's fighting with them is how sweaty he is, and the blood dripping from his mouth.

With the four of them writhing on the floor in pain, Mate turns to face the leader.

"Are you ready to be taught a lesson also?" Mate smirks. His hand gesturing towards the leader.

" You're the one to be taught a lesson." Looking at his fallen men on disgust, he gestures for them to leave.

Not wanting to be asked twice, the boys on the floor all rose up, each limping out of the place. Their faces showing the horror on their faces when they looked at Mate.

Mate watched them go, a smirk on his face. He didn't make any move to beat them more. One of his favourite mantra is this, "never fight a fallen enemy"

"Still being egoistical?" He turns to the leaders who is still standing there.

"Let's see who among us will weep." He says with a smirk. A suspicious glint in his eyes.

"You're undoubtedly going to be the one." Mate smirks.

"Let's watch and see." Before we both can react to his words, he brings out a gun from his pocket, and shoot towards me.

I stood there rooted to the floor like a fool. I don't know what to do or how best to do things. I Just stupidly stood there and watched the bullet.

"No!" Mate intercepted the bullet.

"Mate!" I run to him, and caught him before he can make the collision with the floor. "Mate." I shake him. My eyes going straight to the bullet wound on his stomach.

The one that shot the gun took to how heels the moment the bullet got Mate.

"Lat." He smiles. "Did you see how I defeated those boys for you?" He place his hand on my cheeks. A bright smile on his face.

"Stop joking about things Mate. You're wounded."

"It's all worth it. Had it not being for the gun, I would have taught him not to tease my baby." Smiling, he pinched my cheeks.

I frown at him. I can't believe he's acting as if nothing grave happened when he've being shot!

I look around for signs of people who're likely to help us, but there's none.

"We need to get you to the hospital before this gets much."

I really can't bear the thoughts of him dying. Should Mate die, I don't think I can continue living in this world. I can't allow my only source of light. My ray of sunshine, to die on me. I Just can't allow that.

"We can't go there."

"Why?" I shout. I wasn't even mindful of anything. "You need to be treated. I can't allow you die here."

I really can't allow that. Saving him right now is my priority.

" Go to the school and call for help." He sighs. " Call any students there to help you."

" Okay." I gently place him on the floor as I try standing up. I need to get help, this way we can take him to the hospital.

"Wait." He motions for me to lean closer, and when I did, he pecks me on my mouth.

I would have being giddy about this had it not being for the fact he's in pains, and need help.

"What did you do that for?"

"I felt like doing it. Now go." He makes a shooing motion towards me.

Not waiting to be told twice, I ran back to the school.

It didn't take me long Before I found a willing student. Running back with him, I slump on the floor I shock when I saw the place he once lay devoid of the person I left there.

Written In Blood are the words.