Accidentally kiss

"Are you sure about that." He feels my forehead with his palm. "You can tell me if you're not feeling okay. You know that right? "

" I do. " Nodding with a smile, I look at the bag he have in his hand. "So... Did you get what I requested?" I raise a brow at him.

" Of course. Here at your service mam." He chuckles.

"Thanks. You're a real darling."

"I know I am." Removing the ice cream balls from the bag, he opens the container, placed it on the table before helping me sit up.

"As much as I would have liked to let you rest till you regain your strength, I can't do that. I don't want you choking on the ice cream I bought for you."

"I know."


For two days since I returned, Mate haven't let me out of his sight. He's always watching after me like a hawk, it's as if I might fall and die to my death should care not be taken at all.

"So how are you feeling this morning?" He ask with a smile.

Sitting on one of the chairs in my room, Mate have his right leg crossed above the left *this is always the position I find him in whenever I wake. It's as if this is the only position he can keep*

"Am good. I feel ready for work." I yawn.

Had it not being for Mate's presence here, Rissa would have undoubtedly paid a visit to me.

"You're not going anywhere until am convinced you're okay to walk. You have to stay in door for a week more before you think of going out. " He says in a strict tone.

" But..."

" No buts Lat. You're to be indoors till am convinced you can be able to move without difficulty. " He stands from the chair. " I'll go get some food for you. You can go take your bath, I might take long in the Kitchen. " Smiling at me, Mate leaves.

" You're not going anywhere till am convinced you can move without difficulty. " I mimick him. Frowning a bit, I stand from the bed.

He could as well give me a birth. Why allow me bath by myself if he does want any harm to befall me? Who knows, I might accidentally slip on water, and break my bones.

Didn't he think on that possibility?


I stayed in the bathroom for a long time. Having a bath help soothes my muscles, that's why I normally bath till the water turns cold. Only then will I allow myself take my body out of there.

Tying the towel round my waist, I exit the bathroom. All I need to do is get ready before Mate makes an appearance. I don't want to have to keep him waiting.

"I thought you'll stay for long in....." He stops mid sentence when he sees me, his eyes taking in my half naked body.

"You're here already?" I nervously laugh. I don't know why, but I feel hot all of a sudden. It's as if the air conditioner in my room isn't working.

"Yeah." He nods.

"Okay." I stand there not doing anything as am unable to process things. It felt as if my mind went on a holiday, preventing me from thinking rationally.

"Go and dress, we have to eat." He says, his eyes still glued to my skin as if this is the first time he've seen me half naked, something that's not true.

"Okay." I answer again, but makes no move to go towards my closet.

Like I said, I don't know what came into me, I really don't know why am behaving this way.

"Lat?" He calls again.

"Yes." I answer in a robotic way, but still made no move to go forward.

" Go and wear your clothes, we need to eat before the food gets cold."

" Okay." I still stand there, my hand strongly holding on to my towel. My face as red as ketchups.

"Lat?" He says a bit nearer. Lost in thoughts, or wherever it is I went to, I didn't notice him taking steps towards me.

My mind wasn't completely with him.

"Yes?" I swallow deeply, my eyes going straight to his.

"What's wrong with you?" He ask in concern.

"Nothing!" I automatically answer.

"This doesn't look like nothing to me." He says as he advances more closer until he stands face to face with me. A little leaning from his side will result in him kissing me.

"It's..." I swallow as he bring his face closer till only a hairsbreadth separates us.

I tamper the urge to take a step back. His proximity might be affecting me, but that doesn't mean am going to take some steps back.

Who knows, I might end up being cornered to the wall like a prey.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Who will be okay with your face close to theirs?

"I am." Shaking my head, I mistakenly lean forward, and that joined out lips together.

At the contact, I widen my eyes in surprise. My heart beat accelerating more than life itself, the organ feels as if it's planning on leaping out, and leaving me to sort things out.

Stunned as I also, Mate seems to also be frozen. He made no move to remove his mouth from mine, neither did he deepen the kiss. He just stands there as unresponsive as I am.

Had it not being for the ringing of his phone, I highly doubt we would have being able to separate from each other. Who knows, we both would have likely be Frozen for all of eternity.

"I'll take this call." He blinks as if only discovering his location now.

"Okay." I nod.

"I'll be right back." He says again before walking out.

With him gone, I sit on the bed and slowly rub my moist lips, my mind going back to the events of last minute as my heart picked up speed.


I inwardly screamed. I can't believe I've gotten my first kiss. Lame as it was, it's still my first kiss nonetheless.