As your boyfriend, I have the right

Running out of the house is quite easy, but the same can't be said for escaping the compound.

Right now, I sit facing more than twenty males on suit, each have an indifferent look. Had I not known better, I would have thought they're statues.

I know that's not the fact at all, I've seen the males going on task before, and they're anything but robots. They're real humans.

Taking a very deep breathe, I take a step towards them. They won't do anything to me. Harming me isn't an option, but

Should shift come to shove, I'll think on the right way to bolt, after all, am good in all those things.

"Am sorry young master, you're not allowed to leave the compound." The male closest to me lowly bows as he said those words. It's as if am some kind of royalty, and not an ordinary boy who grew up in the orphanage.

Seeing the Respect me made use of when talking to me, I smile brightly.

"Am perfectly okay. You guys need not worry about me. You can go ahead with your normal daily works." I make a motion for them to disperse.

Right now, should they all disperse, I'll run out of here. Hopefully I might see someone to convey me to the bar.

Going there is much more better than staying here. At least I might be able to evade having a talk with Mate.

"Am sorry young master, but we can't allow you leave. It's an order from the boss, and he specifically asked us not to allow you leave the compound.

Am sorry, but we can't allow you out. " He says with a note of finality. The tone he made use of proves the orders from Mate is far more superior than mine.

That's understandable seeing as he's the one who employed them. In some ways, am like these males, aside from the fact Mate isn't the one that employed me, am in the same level with them.

"I really need to leave. Mate won't mind at all. He'll be glad you allowed me leave. Please, I need to go to work. " I beg.

Should they request I knee to beg them, I would have done so without further Ado.

"It's an order. Am sorry, but we can't help you. It'll be better for us all if you walk back the way you came." He bows.

"Stop bowing if you plan on not honoring my request." I frown at him. Why bother bowing if you're aware you won't honor my request?

There's totally no need for that.

"Thanks for stopping him. I can't seem to tame this wild boy." Mate says.

At the sound if his voice my heart skipped beats, in fact it stopped beating for a long time.

I don't turn, neither did I act like I heard his voice. There's no way I'll allow him control me.

" Thank you boss." The males bow.

" You can all go back to your duty post. I'll take care of things from here on." Mate dismissed them.

" Thank You boss." The stupid males all walk back the way they came.

Had I being the one who ordered them back I highly doubt they would have listened to me. This is the great difference between a boss and a leech* of course that's what I am. Am leeching off the poor male.*

"Let's go." He takes my hand in his, but I remove it.

"Let me go!" I frown at him, folding my hands, I glare darkly at the stupid male who thinks I'll listened to me after he trampled on my feelings as if they're nothing.

"Why? So you can go to work?" He raise a brow. "Don't bother thinking of leaving, I'll only allow you out when am fully sure you're healed." He takes my hand again, but I remove mine.

He wants to see stubbornness? He should be prepared for that.

"Let me go. Am going to work, and that's final. I won't allow you dictate my life for me!"

"Because am not your boyfriend?" He tilts his head to the side.

"Yes, you're not!"

"What if I tell you I am? What if I tell you am the only one with the right to dictate your life?"

"Then you'll be a bloody liar!"

I shriek when he carries me up like a sack of potatoes.

No, it's not that.

He carried me up like I weigh nothing just like a bag of feathers.

"Let me down!" I struggle from his hold. "Put me down!"

"I won't do that." Opening the door, he carries me in, and dump me on the cushion. His body following my fall as if we both are some how glued as one.

"Let me go!" I struggle to get him to free me, but his hold only became tighter. "I said let me go!"

"I won't. I can't allow you harm yourself."

" You have no right. You're not my boyfriend Mate, and you don't have the right whatsoever to dictate the things to do to me!"

I won't allow him do that.

" And who says am not your boyfriend?" As he asked the question, his face came nearer to mine. So close is his face that should I care to raise my face to him, I'll undoubtedly end up locking my lips with his.

His close proximity and words makes my heart skip beats, but I tamper it down. I won't allow him know how much the closeness affects me.

"Who say you're my boyfriend? Last I checked, no one gave you permission to be one." I frown at him.

Who knows what he thinks a boyfriend is?

A close friend?

A best friend?

You've got to be kidding me.

"I don't need permission to claim what belongs to me. You've being mine ever since I set my eyes on you. The day your beautiful eyes locked with mine was the day I claimed you as mine Lat.

You're mine and no one else's."