A psychotic male

"Nothing at all. " I stifle a laugh. "There's nothing wrong with the room." I look round the room a second time to make sure nothing have changed since I looked round it, and sure, the took is still like it is.

The room doesn't look like it belongs to someone as muscular as Dove. It looks more like a female's room than it does a male's.

"I don't care what you think about the room." He gives me a dark look.

"Why am I here? Why did you bring me to your beautiful home?"

"I did it for Mate's sake."

"Mate?" I tilt my head in confusion, "Mate asked you to tie me here?"

"No he didn't." Dove stands from the bed. "Am doing this for his sake, and not because he asked me to." He gives me a look.

"You're doing this for his sake?" I laugh at his words, "does this even make any sense to you?"

"Of course it does. It might not make any sense to you, but it does to me. " He angrily stalk towards me. Kneeling so he's in the same eye level as I, he roughly grabs my jaw. " There's nothing for you to understand bitch! " Throwing my head back, he spat in disgust.

His face morphed to show his anger and hatred.

"Argh!" I cry out in pain the moment my head collided with the wall. A pain unlike none I've ever felt took hold of me.

To me, it feels like my head is about to crack into more than two pieces.

"This is what you deserve bitch. You deserve much more worst than this." He sneers in my face.

" Stop. You're hurting me." I cry out in pain.

"And you deserve to be hurt."

"Please." I cry out. " You're really hurting me."

" And that's exactly what I want. Life have being okay and smoothly moving until you made an appearance. Without you, boss wouldn't be too whipped he can't think on the right things to do."

" What are you talking about?" I gasp. Gently placing my tender head on the pillar behind me, I tried to regain my breathing.

I need to be conscious in order to get to talk some sense into Dove. Right now, he's acting like a person who's possessed by demons.

"The boss had only relied on me. With me by his side, we've being able to subdue those who tried to question his authority, but since you came into the equation, the boss have being acting more like a gentleman.

He never does most of things he once never had a second thought about doing, before. He's much more reserved and kind."

" And it's not good?" I raise a brow at him.

I see nothing wrong with being good. There's nothing wrong with acting like gentleman.

" It's not!" He takes hold of the collar of my shirt. " The boss I love and admire isn't one to show mercy. His ruthless ways of doing things was what endeared him to me."

Seeing the way he talked about Mate made me deduce something.

" You love him." It's not a question. It's more of a sure statement. You don't need more questions when it's plainly written on his face.

His expression tells it all.

"Of course I do. I've loved the boss for a long time. That's why I know everything about him."

"I see." I nod.

"You see the reason why I need you out of the equation? You're nothing but a distraction to him, you're nothing but a weakness.

You can't defend yourself from those who might try to hurt you. You're nothing but a liability to him, that's why I need to do him the favour.

I know he won't like what am about to do, but am doing it for his sake.

Moreover, I can pretend not to know what happened to you." Laughing maniacally, he rose to his feet.

With the words he said, and now insane his eyes are, I have no doubt he really meant the words he spoke.

The Dove in front of me is perfectly capable of killing me without remorse. Gone is the male whom I thought really liked me.

It seems he never did like me. All along he was pretending to like me while of a truth, he's silently waiting for the chance to take me out of Mate's life.

Mate who's not aware of the plans of one of his trusted men.

"You can just let me go. I promise I'll disappear to another state, and you'll never see me till you die."

Hopefully you get crushed by an incoming vehicle tomorrow when you're going to wherever it is you go to everyday.

"And you think I'll believe that?" He laughs maniacally. "Letting you go isn't an option love. You might keep to the end of your bargain, but the same can't be said for Mate. He'll search for you till the end of the world until he finds you."

" I highly doubt that. Please let me go, I promise to go anywhere, even the Sambisa isn't out of the option at all. "

I'll promise to enter the belly of a whale if that means he'll allow me keep me life. Right now , anything is possible for me.

"Am sorry love." He says in a tone that doesn't sound apologetic at all. "I can't afford to make any mistake at all. Should you end up meeting Mate in the long run, it'll thwart all my hard work.

Mate is so deep into matters concerning you, I don't think he'll ever get over you." Picking something that looks like a whip, " I'll go ahead with my initial plan. I can't afford to have you ruin my plan. One that have being in motion ever since Mate saved my life.

That day was the day he unknowingly took my heart. Am afraid the obsession is too large I can't afford to have someone like you take him from me."