"Can we go... there?" Eiana asked.

As the way, she asked him, it took everything in Darius to resist his will to pinch her cheeks.

" Okay. Let's go." Saying so, she held her hand and only took a step, when the next second, she got pulled back by her husband. " Easy there, my lady." Darius said in his charmful voice, and continued, "Let's first do something very important."

Important? Eiana slightly furrowed her eyebrows and before she could ask what important thing, she heard him say, " Close your eyes." And saying that, he kept his palm on her eyes, obstructing her view.

So she did as said.

Then Darius closed his own eyes as well. And after a few minutes, he opened his eyes, and removed his palm from Eiana's eyes.

As the obstruction was gone, Eiana fluttered her eyes open, " What were you doin- !!! W-w-what! Your eyes! " Eiana shuttered and exclaimed all of a sudden.