And when Darius saw her in this condition, he knew that she was not going in that direction just because of her curiosity.

He held her even tighter, and closer to him and rubbed her back. Her face was near to his heart, as she heard the rythm of his heartbeat, and felt the warmth of his body, while he rubbed her back.

This time Eiana did not cry in fear like she did earlier last time, but she was in shock with how the things are happening.

"Are you fine, my wife?" After sometime, Darius asked gently, in a soft voice.

Eiana slowly lifted her head, from his chest to meet his eyes and nodded her head.

They stood in the corridor, with no one in either sides. Earlier, when Darius had returned back to the castle, the first thing he did was to come and look for his wife. He had hurried to their room, but on reaching there, he saw that she wasn't there.