Eiana could tell that the vampiress was doing everything in her control to not break into tears right there, and to keep a hard stance.

And Eiana felt a little bad about it. It is not that she was a very soft hearted human being, but she had no problems with Thesia.

Whatever past she had, it was before she had come to the Kingdom. And now, when everyone were bashing her about something she had no control over, Thesia was the one who took a stand for her.

Now, it wasn't like Eiana actually cared about what these maids had to talk and think about her. She could care the least about it. After all, her life was not controlled by them liking her or not. But she still appreciated the fact that Thesia stood for her.

Eiana then saw them all, including Thesia bow down in respect and greeting before.

When she saw the group of maids do that, she snorted and said, "There is no need to show the fakeness here."