
I looked around and observed the interior design of this restaurant. In that half-interest, I feel that the main point of the interior of this restaurant is the lights. The chandelier was made of bamboo that was scraped and then woven in such a way. The handicrafts formed sweet emprit birds.

"So what's your busyness all this time?" asked Ace, not realizing I was observing the webbing of the bird-shaped lamp above his head.

Unconsciously, both of my eyebrows were raised. Ace never updated my activities. Even though Ace tends not to pay attention to what I've been doing all along. He just always said, "As long as you do it happily, I support you."

Today, his interest made me nervous. So I replied, "Write, what else can I do?"

Ace grinned and a chuckle came from his throat.

"I mean, what writing are you doing, specifically," Ace said. His voice was suddenly as light as a bird feather falling from the sky.

I was amazed by the change in his attitude. A few minutes ago in front of Mr. Bayan, Ace looked firm, serious as a businessman. I never saw his serious expression. I didn't even know that Ace could think of such a deep business. So I had thought that Ace was serious about something, meaning he would do or do something until the end until the goal was achieved or even more. Ace can certainly shine with his positive ambition.

Under the opposite of Ace's mentality, I tentatively replied, "I wrote an article, I joined the media. Thanks to the information from my friend, I was able to join there and write-behind the desk, I no longer need to do a reportage. In addition, I also get clients who ask for my help to compile an ebook, my role is only to be an editor, correct grammar until the arrangement is comfortable to read by the reader."

"I remember, back when you were a reporter, damn! It was very difficult to meet, even my messages were not immediately replied to. You are so busy. You still haven't told a story, what's the reason for you to resign? Is it because it is too busy?"

I almost laughed out loud at the summary of my situation from Ace's mouth. The description is not one hundred percent wrong. Very precise. I was very busy.

"Yes. Because it's too busy. I realized I didn't fit into that role. At that time, I wanted to be able to work with self-arranged time. I want to reduce the pressure I feel but can get an income that suits my needs," I said, pausing to observe Ace's expression. Ace didn't seem to understand my way of thinking.

"I guess your career is stable there," Ace said.

"It's true. My career is good, maybe now I'm the editor-in-chief if I stay there," I said, laughing. It's impossible. To become editor-in-chief still requires more diverse time and experience. I said those words in a joking tone. Ace laughed too because he knew I was scornful of myself. Ace is used to my joking style.

"So? why resign?"

I sighed, "As I said just now, it's too busy. I'm tired. Mentally and my mind is tired. You know, I was easily sick, when I worked as a reporter, it turned out that my physical condition was getting weaker and made me easily stricken with dengue fever. I was hospitalized for five days. During that time, I pondered and I decided to finish the contract only, no need to continue. The first step I did to prepare for resigning was to find a job as a freelancer. I got it. By holding on to that new job, I'm getting more confident about sending resignation letters."

"And what is the reaction of the co-workers' friends?"

"I don't remember them feeling a genuine loss," I said, then I laughed bitterly. I know for a fact that a company will not feel lost. The company can find my replacement in no time. The company can also add better personnel than me in a short time. So, why are your co-worker's friends sad or feeling lost? won't.

"They get better colleagues, more capable than me, so what do they feel lost for? Even if anyone feels lost, that feeling won't last long," I said, finally expressing my thoughts freely. It seems, indeed only in front of Ace, I can express all my thoughts, the best to the worst. The thing is, Ace is like a creature that exists and is not in my life. Ace can be present anytime he wants around me and disappear whenever he wants. I don't know when he's going to be cold to me and I don't know when he's going to show up and ask me to have a warm conversation like this. Sometimes I feel the warmth of his existence in this world.

"I think there's someone who still remembers where you are and even finds working with you is more fun than someone else," Ace said, sounding like he was just entertaining me.

"It's impossible, it's been ten years since I resigned from there. Since then, I've experienced a lot. I don't think about them anymore, I'm sure they are too."

Ace then kind of succumbed to my opinion. Ace didn't make any other arguments anymore. Perhaps he realized that whatever words he expressed—to make me feel like a precious person in someone's heart—I would not accept, so he chose to be silent.

"Well, I'm so curious, what job do you have in Singapore? You said you have a job whose contract must be completed first before focusing on the café," finally because Ace was silent so that there was no vacancy, I felt that it was my turn to ask and to get to know him more closely. Every time a conversation like this starts, this is the moment where I feel new to Ace. We have known each other since we went to college. That means 12 years ago.

"It's not something big, just being part of the marketing team of an advertising company. From them, I learned about product branding."

"You are a full-time employee?"

Ace nodded.

"Aren't you still a student?"

"They accept those who are still students. With a note, already doing the thesis or final task and in the waiting period for graduation. After all, I am a master's student, who has more free time and needs more field practice than mastering theory alone. I worked at a company that recommended campuses to fill vacancies. Whatever I do at the company will also be reported to the campus, so technically I'm just a field lecturer at the company."

His words made me understand something, "So you are also in the waiting period for the graduation ceremony?"

Ace nodded. "On this campus of mine, we don't need to participate in graduation ceremonies because it's just a formality. That precious time can be used to carry out fieldwork only.

I can take a diploma at the administrative office a week after the graduation ceremony is held. So, I decided not to come to the ceremony, I chose to focus on working."

I could see the purpose in both eyes that were shining brightly. The ace in front of me now can distinguish which is an important priority to do and which is only a temporary desire. Something of nature is an only pleasure while it is missed.

"Waw, I can see you have changed a lot. You are already a grown man," I praised him sincerely.

I didn't expect that the result of my words was that I could see Ace blushing embarrassedly. Ace turned his face away from my gaze. I became ashamed because I said those words like women who were seducing to be girlfriends.

"Oh, our food is coming," I said to distract us.

I did see two waiters delivering the food and drinks we ordered. A tray made of woven bamboo was placed in front of us. The small tray contained triangular tumpeng rice. There are three colors of rice in it. Brown rice, white rice, and yellow rice. Then around him were vegetables and side dishes. It's a mini version of a tumpeng. In Javanese customs, tumpeng has a special meaning, depending on the type of ceremony. If there is a tumpeng in the wedding ceremony, then the tumpeng has a special purpose as a symbol of the happiness of the newlywed couple. Then, if the tumpeng exists at the time of the construction of the house, the tumpeng has a meaning to provide safety to the construction of the house and make the house a comfortable, safe, and tranquil place for the residents of the house. Javanese customs do look complicated, but behind what is seen, there is a symbolic language that has a deep meaning, adiluhung.

I watched the tumpeng in awe. It is rare to see a dish like this. The mini version presented in this restaurant is purely to show the aesthetic and ethical value of the restaurant philosophy. Not the same as tumpeng in religious ceremonies, wedding ceremonies, or development ceremonies. The three-color tumpeng that was in front of me and in front of Ace, was purely a dish. Because if this is for the ceremony, there are no conditions for the ceremony that must be met.

Ace also looks very fond of seeing the three-color tumpeng dish. When the fried fish served separately from the tumpeng came, his eyes opened wider and wider, his nose was deflated, and his tongue was already waiting for the taste. I almost burst into laughter at his expression.