
Victor followed Amel walking out of the store. They were talking in front of the store, some distance away from the people. Abel and Ayumi observed the two from a distance that allowed them not to hear Victor's conversation with Amel. They value Victor and Amel's conversation as one that no other party should listen to.

"Here, take it," Amel handed out a business card of her own.

Ayumi and Abel could see that Amel's attitude to Victor was quite gentle. The look in her eyes reflects a deep interest in Victor, the owner of a face that looks like an American, Korean and Indonesian half-breed.

Somehow the true genealogy of the Victor family, I don't know. Victor never told the details. Therefore, what I know, Victor is a young man of Javanese descent. However, since junior high school, I have joked that Victor has American or South Korean ancestry. Victor was indifferent about it. "Why find out?" was Victor's response whenever anyone mentioned his good looks.

"I think Victor can enter our agency. Amel must have offered him a way there," Abel said.

"Do you agree with her?"

Abel looked thoughtful. Her eyes narrowed.

"If he is willing and enters the agency, there will be more women who stick to him. Although it's a pity, I feel like I regret his physical talent even more," Abel replied. He turned to the luxury brand store where Victor worked.

"If he only becomes a store salesman, his physical talent will be in vain," said Abel.

Ayumi smiled.

"Isn't it?" Abel asked Ayumi with a look of approval.

Ayumi nodded.

"I agree with you guys too."

Abel and Ayumi pay attention to Amel again, their friend who pursues a career together. They entered the agency in the same year. Not only that, their birth years are the same, so they can become familiar quickly.

They've gone through many ups and downs together. The world of modeling is not an easy world to enter. Competition is fierce. Not only in terms of physical, but also in terms of connections. Reputation is at stake. They often sacrifice feelings in order to survive.

Amel was still conversing with Victor. She openly offered Victor a modeling path.

"I don't mean to look down on your current job, but I see your physical talent will come in handy in modeling as well. You don't have to be a full timer, you can try to be a part time model. If you are interested, come to the agency, show the business card to the clerk at the entrance. You will be taken to the casting section. They will prioritize you because you brought my business card," Amel said.

Victor was happy to get that opportunity. He never imagined being a model. In his mind all this time, he just wanted to get an employment contract as a permanent employee. He only focused on that one world. Unexpectedly, the opportunity came in sight.

Many people expect a smooth road to be a model. Those who are interested in the world of modeling will try various ways until hoping to get a smooth ride to the top of the modeling world. Now, Victor got the ride easily, like falling from the sky.

Victor swallowed. He imagined a sparkling world. He imagined himself walking wearing clothes from a luxury brand on the catwalk. All eyes were on him. He became the center of attention.

Victor immediately put away the beautiful shadow. The unsmooth work experience at FalconFace has taught him a lesson not to hold on to delusion.

Victor turned to his shop, looking at the inside that already looked luxurious to him. The price of the goods sold has already made his eyes glare and his heart beats. He is always afraid if he makes a mistake and damages the things in there. The compensation value will not be small. However, by becoming a model, maybe he can have those luxury items with his income as a model. There is no need to feel fear of spoiling, because everything belongs to him.

Victor turned to Amel again and noticed her business card.

"I'll consider," Victor replied.

Amel smiled.

"Good. I'm waiting for your answer," Amel said. She is aware not to urge. Switching the world of work is not an easy thing for some people.

Urging Victor now will only scare him, Amel thought.

"If you have any questions, you can call my number. Let's exchange numbers," Amel said, taking her phone from the bag.

Abel and Ayumi noticed Amel's movements.

"It's clear now, Amel is interested in him more than just customers," Abel said.

"That's why she offered Victor our modeling world and agency. Amel has shares in the company, so it is easy for her to influence the board to make Victor one of the models in the company. Moreover, Victor also has physical talent," said Ayumi.

Abel snapped her fingers.

"You mean she did it deliberately so that she could arrange a date without being caught by the press, right?" Abel squinted.

Ayumi chuckled. She understood very well what was in both Abel and Amel's minds. The two have almost the same name, they also have similar thoughts.

"Amel always moves fast. Why can she always get a handsome guy so easily?" Abel grumbled with a cute face.

When Abel finished speaking, Amel seemed to say goodbye to Victor and walked up to them. Abel and Ayumi also stopped the conversation. They walked together cheerfully to the elevator door.


Luis noticed Amel and Victor's conversation early on from his place. He was curious about what the three top models in Victor's shop were doing. Moreover, he saw Amel talking intimately with Victor.

"I have to know what happened," Luis said.


Working hours are over and Luis invites Victor to dinner together. Victor agreed. Victor took Luis to eat at a simple food stall not far from FalconFace Mall.

Those Chinese food stalls have long been their mainstay. In addition to the taste suitable for their tongues, the price is also in line with Victor's current financial condition.

"You still eat here often?" Luis was curious because since the beginning of the second month he worked at FalconFace, he had never eaten at this Chinese food stall again.

Victor nodded and realized that during this time he had eaten alone, he hadn't been with Luis and Eka for a long time.

"In the past, we often came here, when we were still fresh as employees," Victor said, his tongue suddenly feeling bitter. He realized Luis had changed. His appearance is no longer suitable for this simple stall.

Is it just Victor's feelings or is Luis already bragging?

Victor dismissed his negative thoughts.

"Since I haven't managed to get a big bonus like you, that's why..." Victor stopped his speech because he felt bad if anyone heard. He was worried that he would look down on those simple food stalls. Despite the fact, this simple Chinese food stall is more often visited by lower-middle-class customers than the upper class. That already proves something.

Luis did not respond to Victor's words. He chose a chair and took the food menu placed on the side of the table.

Victor also chose the food. Suddenly, the atmosphere between them became a little awkward.

"Didn't you invite Eka?" Luis asked.

"I asked her, but she said she couldn't come because she had to meet madam," Victor said.

With this, the atmosphere between them became better.

Luis nodded in understanding. He had long known who the madam Eka was referring to. They ordered food first before starting a conversation.

"If she goes with madam it means that tonight she will not go home," Luis said.

"why?" Victor was interested.

Luis told Victor in a whispered voice. Both of Victor's eyes widened after hearing it.

"That's why at the end of last month, her sales report was good," Luis said.

"She did it that far?" Victor spoke in a low voice as well.

There were several other customers eating at another table. They weren't close together, but Victor thought it was better to keep the volume up.

"It's not just her! it's common knowledge, everyone there is doing it," Luis said.

"You too?" Victor hesitated when he asked about it.

Luis squinted his eyes, "Haven't you done it before?"

Victor shook his head. Luis's answer shows that Luis has already done it, having sex with customers. Victor's heart was uncomfortable with such a lifestyle. Isn't that tantamount to being a prostitute?

Luis sighed.

"Okay, sooner or later you will get used to it. If you continue to consider things like that taboo, your life will go on the spot," said Luis who couldn't believe that Victor still considered things like this taboo.

Victor didn't know how to respond to Luis's statement. His lifestyle has never been like that. Just thinking about it, Victor was already embarrassed.

Luis then decided to change the subject. Her goal in wanting to meet Victor is to find out about the emergence of model Amel and her friends.

"Oh, I saw you were talking to Amel's top model just now. Is she the VIP member you told me about?"

Victor was a little nervous before responding.

"No, she's not. She is indeed a member with my account, but She is not the one I told you about," Victor replied innocently.

Luis dug deeper, "And since when did you become familiar with her?"

"That's because yesterday she came to the store and I helped her choose a bag. This afternoon she came again with her friends," Victor said.

"Damn! He is so lucky!" cried Luis inwardly. He was very envious that Victor could get Amel's attention.