Prohibited Practices

In the past, Victor often heard rumors in the village that many people did anything to earn money, including selling their bodies. Victor couldn't believe such things actually existed until he read a newspaper story talking about a female commercial worker being arrested by the police. However, the women actually lived in brothels.

Now, he has not only heard rumors but confessions from his own co-workers, Luis and Eka, that they have no problem sleeping with VIP customers as long as they get what they want. In their opinion, it was a sacrifice worth it.

Now, Victor, Luis, and Eka are in the elevator.

"What floor is working today?" Eka asked Luis and Victor. They met together in the elevator. Victor and Luis walked out of the employee locker at the same time. They just met Eka at the elevator door.

"I'm on the 7th floor, shop A," Victor replied.

"I'm on the same floor, store F," Luis said. "And you?"

"I'm on the 8th floor, shop D."

Luis observes Eka's appearance.

"Why look at me like that?" Eka reprimands Luis, not because she is uncomfortable, but because she wants to make sure that Luis sees something that she deliberately shows off.

"Employees who have just come in, one month old can already buy cartier rings and necklaces, isn't it definitely eye-catching?" Luis deliberately sarcastically.

Victor also noticed. Eka's appearance confirmed Luis's statement. It is impossible to buy rings and necklaces only from salary. Although the bonus was huge at the end of last month, it still couldn't buy a diamond cartier ring and necklace at the same time. In addition, the pantofel shoes worn by Eka are also not market loafers. Victor has begun to be able to distinguish what kind of items are made by designers and which are made en masse.

"How many carats?" Luis smiled teasingly at Eka. "Uh, no, no, the question shouldn't be that. The correct question is how many rounds did you play last night until you bought a diamond ring and necklace cartier?"

"Don't tease me like that, I'm sorry for Victor who hasn't got anything," Eka said.

Luis cleared his throat.

"You don't have to feel bad for him, because soon he can be like us," Luis said.

"Oh, yes?" Eka was really happy with the new news. "Is the VIP you told me about already a member and shopping for a lot of exclusive items?"

"No!" Luis nudged Eka's arm lightly. "That one has no news yet, but there is other good news, you know Amel's model, right? I saw Amel gave him a business card."

"Oh, really?" Eka then looked at Victor.

"Where have you been? There has been a lot of talk about Amel's appearance!" Luis becomes annoyed by Eka's attitude which he thinks pretends to be amazed at Victor.

Eka sighed. "Two days ago I was working outside. I have to go deliver an exclusive package!"

"To Erita's house? That madam of yours?" Luis interrupted Eka's explanation.

Eka felt that Luis had acted disrespectfully. "It's not! My customers are not just Erita!"

"Erita?" Victor interrupted with a question mark.

"I told you yesterday, right, if Eka said to go with madam, it must be Erita. One of the many women who like to waste their money. Erita is special because she is the sole heir of a company that produces sports equipment and also clothing to accessories. You don't need to know your last name, if you know you can faint!" said Luis.

Eka glared at Luis because for him Luis had gone overboard. She felt that if anyone would tell him about her relationship with Erita, then that person should be herself.

"Shut up! You talk too much!," Eka said, preventing Luis from saying more. Gazes and attention were diverted to Victor.

"Well, Victor, take this opportunity well. If Amel asks you to accompany her to do something, such as shopping, just accompany her. You should invest in someone who gives you a profit. Don't wait for people who have no news."

Luis nodded, agreeing with Eka's advice. On the other hand, Victor was actually confused. Should he take the advice of those two friends? In his little heart, he wondered, their actions were not the same as those of the women who worked in brothels? Accompany the striped nose man to drink until bed just to earn money. Is all this true?

Eka slapped Victor on the arm.

"Aw! It hurts!" exclaimed Victor.

"You are daydreaming? Listen to my advice? You have nothing to lose, instead you will get the things I got!" Eka prides herself.

"Look at this!" Eka accentuated the necklace around her neck and also the ring on her finger.

Luis noticed that with equal pleasure. At this time Victor only felt that as a different creature from them, he suddenly felt that their world was not his world.

"Discard old thoughts! If you want to succeed! Having a lot of money and realizing your dreams, you said you want to set up a café and live comfortably in your 30s, right? I'm the same, I don't want to work after I turn 30. At that time, I will only concentrate on taking care of myself and finding a man to marry, and then I will be a housewife. This is the time for us to accumulate coffers of money, no matter how to achieve our dreams!" exclaimed Eka. She was unaware of the consequences of her actions. She focused on money. "Money is the source of happiness!"

Luis laughed.

"I love your spirit!" exclaimed Luis and patted Eka on the shoulder.

After that, they fell silent because the elevator door opened and several people walked in. They went down on different floors. Some are on the third floor and some are on the fifth floor.

Victor, Luis, and Eka don't talk to each other as long as there are other people between them. When the people had already got off on the floor they were going to, Eka started a conversation again between them.

"Victor, you may have doubts because this is very different from the life values you once believed, right?" Eka looked at Victor with a look of sympathy.

Luis listened.

"I understand anyway. However, if you will listen to my advice, I believe you will be more successful than us," said Eka, making the atmosphere different in an instant.

"You know, why don't the company officials of our company ban the practice that self-proclaimed saints consider to be forbidden?"

Victor shook his head.

Eka smiled. "You are really innocent and naïve."

"Tell him," Luis encouraged Eka.

"That's because the company's CEO did the same to maintain his company. I heard that Falcon Face used to be almost bankrupt when it was held by the second generation. They managed to develop the app, but it was not offset by revenue. Finally, the figure of the third generation emerged as a family hero, either because he was forced to or because he did have the responsibility to do so, the most important thing is that he succeeded and even made his company more successful. Rumor has it that he did everything he could, until he slept with investors, no matter men or women, he dared to do it. Therefore, the safe funds flowed. And because of that, our HRD even tells us how to get VIP customers."


The elevator arrived on the 7th floor. Eka stopped talking instantly.

"Let's continue another time. Happy work!" said Eka to her two friends, Luis and Victor.

Victor and Luis walked out at the same time.

"Okay, happy work," Victor said, his voice trembling.

Eka waved goodbye temporarily. She knew Victor was shocked to hear her story. Deep down, she felt sorry for Victor.

"He must have been raised in a good family," Eka said silently.

Victor and Luis walked hand in hand approaching their shop.

"Is it because you think this approach is excessive that you still hesitate and don't contact that person anymore? Even though you know the main key to the success of a salesperson is follow up," Luis said in a normal tone like a friend to Victor.

"I was indeed confused," Victor confessed. He didn't want to discuss this at any length, so for fear of being late, he quickened his pace towards the store. Luis also quickened his steps to a store farther away.

Today not many people stopped by store A. In order to fill the vacancy, Victor talked to Ken. He was curious if Ken did the work technique done by Eka and Luis.

"Ken, I have something to ask," Victor said. He already knew that Ken and himself were born in the same year, it's just that Ken entered the company earlier than Victor. So, Ken is among his seniors.

"Ok. What kind of question?" Ken responded kindly.

Victor hesitated to ask and was embarrassed enough to ask his own question. "It's... Was it in the past that the selection process you went through when you entered here was also this strict?"

Ken thought about the meaning of Victor's question.

"The company's selection process has never changed in the past. They still use natural selection," Ken said. "Are you willing to give up?"

Victor shook his head. "No. Not. That's not what I meant," Victor said awkwardly because the information he wanted wasn't really that. However, he later realized that his question sentence was wrong from the beginning.

"What did you do first to be accepted as a contract employee?" asked Victor. He saw Ken's blue ID, a sign that Ken was a contract employee.

Ken smiled. "I understand what you want to ask actually now. Why not ask in a clear sentence?"

Victor's face flushed with shame.