The Real World Is Confusing

When he arrived at the office, Victor met Luis in the dressing room. Luis, who grew jealous of Victor in his heart, wanted to know the Top Buyers who had saved Victor's career in Falcon Face. Luis planned to steal the person if he had the opportunity.

"So who exactly are the Top Buyers of your account? I'm very curious, that's why I asked you to meet yesterday," Luis said.

Victor, whose head felt heavy after experiencing a layered dream, did not immediately respond.

"Why? You look tangled, is the person not good? Impossible!"

Victor shook his head. He took out his work uniform, while taking off the shirt he was wearing, he said, "The person is very nice. I'm not sure who he really is. His name is Aditya, he said he bought them all at the behest of his superiors," Victor said while wearing a uniform. At that time, he was also not very aware of his own remarks.

"What does he mean?" Luis asked because he felt he failed to know the real Top Buyers. If Aditya spends using his boss's money and does it at the behest of his superior, it means that he is not a rich man. Aditya is technically just an errand boy. For Luis, errand boys are not safe targets.

Victor shook his head, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know for sure either. I only understand that he did it at the behest of his superiors. That's it."

"In that case, he is not a safe VIP for you. He could disappear at any time," Luis said. Disappointed that the plan to seize VIPs failed before it even started.

"You don't know who the boss is?" Luis asked to be sure.

Victor nodded weakly and looked sad. His tangled face became even more unsightly.

"You should wash your face to look fresher," Luis advises.

To Victor, Luis still sounds like a good friend. Victor nodded, he rubbed his face with his palm. Luis noticed Victor's entire seemingly insane movements.

"What's the matter?" Luis was also disturbed by Victor's behavior.

Victor closed the locker door and leaned his back against the locker. "You won't believe it even if I tell you everything."

Luis crossed his arms on his chest. "Tell me." He was challenged by Victor's statement.

Victor thought for a while. "How ya tell it. This is something that I have also experienced this time."

"Tell me!" Luis looked at his watch. "We still have plenty of time."

Victor told his dream from beginning to end. But he did not mention Mario's name. That's because Victor is worried that one day Luis will meet Mario. If they meet, they can get acquainted and Luis will make fun of him. He avoided something as ridiculous as that.

"Is it possible that your boarding house is haunted? You'd better move to a better place," Luis suggested earnestly.

"Haunted? Impossible! Ghosts do not exist in this world, but about moving boarding houses, I will think about it."

"I've never been to your boarding house, that's it. So that was just my assumption. Don't think about it too much. The logical explanation of your dream is that because you are stressed, the stress deposits turn into layered dreams," Luis said very convincingly.

Victor and Luis then walked out of the locker room together. They headed for different workspaces.

Arriving at the Store, Victor was greeted by Ken.

"You always come early?" Victor thought he could beat Ken's discipline by arriving early.

"Yes," Ken replied. "And you don't usually come so early." Ken frowned.

Victor laughed. Actually, Victor decided to leave early because he felt uncomfortable with the appearance of Ox, Noh, and other residents. Normally White Castle would be deserted, like uninhabited, but this morning many people came out of their room and they gathered in the kitchen.

"I think I should move from my current boarding house," Victor said.

Victor's sudden statement sounded random to Ken. The young man who had just unlocked the rolling door also turned his head and looked at Victor with question marks.

"Why? Are the current boarding houses uncomfortable?" asked Ken as he continued his duties.

"It was comfortable before, but suddenly it didn't," Victor said.

"Did you quarrel with other residents?"

They talked while arranging and tidying up the items on the display shelves. They have to make sure all the items offered to customers appear flawless and flawless. They even rearranged the lighting on each display rack.

"No. I didn't quarrel with them. I just got acquainted with them."

"After one month of living in that house, you just got acquainted?" Ken seemed surprised by that fact.

Victor nodded without looking at Ken.

"Actually, it's natural, because we live in a big city. Living in one building does not necessarily make us know each other. I don't know anyone who lives next door to my apartment either," Ken admitted calmly.

"So why do you look surprised after I said you got acquainted with them after one month of living in the same building?"

Ken laughed, "Because you are acquainted. That's what surprised me. Nowadays it's more common to hear people won't care about their neighbors than to get acquainted and share food."

Victor was inclined to hear Ken's narration. In the village, Victor can know everyone and vice versa everyone knows him. Here, he actually becomes a strange person when he gets acquainted with other residents who live together in one building.

"So, why would you move if you have a friend there?" Ken said as he put a bag back on the shelf. The small golden brown bag looked sweet like the smile of a girl of noble descent.

"I feel uncomfortable with them."

"You just got acquainted, how can you conclude that you are uncomfortable with them?"

"First impression."

"Oh. It does have an effect quite often"

Victor begins to hesitate and he becomes depressed because he recalls the sensation of being attacked by Ox and Noh.

"Something disturbed your mind?

Victor shook his head quickly.

"We'd better focus on work," Victor said, avoiding the possibility of having to retell his dream like he did when he met Luis. People will not believe in his dreams and he will be considered stressed.

"Okay. We'd better hang out tonight. You have to tell me what happened," Ken said.

A woman approached their store with her partner. In order for their visit to be noticed immediately, Victor nodded at Ken.

Victor then walked quickly and walked over to the couple.

Ken noticed Victor who was quick to respond. Ken liked that attitude from Victor. Victor made him feel accomplished as a mentor. Ken also gets a big bonus for successfully briefing Victor. Moreover, Victor got a Top Buyer. The bonus also flowed into his account.

Near lunchtime, Amel appeared in the store and went straight to Victor. They come face to face and make Ken and Cassie nervous, even though they are just watching.

"Why haven't you come to the agency yet?" Amel spoke at a low volume, but seemed to be holding back anger.

Victor took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before replying, "I don't have time to go there."

From the beginning, Victor felt that Amel was not an easy girl to deal with.

"You must have a day off, why not use it to come?"

Amel had already informed her agency that Victor would appear. Amel even showed Victor's photo to the CEO of the company and the person liked Victor's appearance. On the visit last time, Amel not only gave a business card, but also asked for a selfie with Victor.

"I'm sorry, but I used the day off to rest."

Amel's eyes squinted. "Just say that you are not interested."

Victor felt intimidated at that very moment.

"I don't know if it will work for me. Because modeling careers aren't for everyone," Victor finally tells his opinion.

Amel sighed. He eased his own emotions. A moment ago, she was just thinking about her image. She was already very confident that Victor would be interested and guaranteed him in the face of the CEO. But she missed the important thing that is Victor's feelings and opinions about the world of modeling.

"For me, the model world is a dream world. I could have imagined I would be a successful model when I went to an agency but the real world was confusing," Victor said modestly.

Amel looked at Victor. She became more and more fond of Victor's humble attitude. Amel has seen great potential from Victor physically, so she believes her agency can mold Victor into a supermodel.

"I gave you my business card not without cause. Don't you think that I really see such great potential in you? My agency can mold you into a supermodel," Amel said meekly.

Victor did not refute Amel's words, but also couldn't believe it.

"You don't need to invest there. We will bear all the training costs," Amel said and began to get frustrated. "Why don't you believe me?"

Silence. Victor didn't know what to do.

"Well. Think again. The door of the agency is still open for you. I guarantee it for you," said Amel, who realized that they were talking in the wrong place. It's better to end the conversation immediately.

"Bye, see you later," Amel said and then turned and left, leaving Victor in confusion.

Why would a supermodel like Amel take the time, come all the way just to talk to someone like me? Victor thought condescending to himself.