Rewind time

In a moment of urgency in a state of peak fear, Victor unknowingly released his strength. Ox was shocked by the light that appeared suddenly from Victor's body. Something that exists beyond reason, but does not go against the laws of nature, plays into the reality around both. Ox sat back in the kitchen with Noh. While Victor stood at the door of his room.

Victor just learned that the money was stolen. The value of the money in his account was reduced very much due to cyber criminals. When reporting to the police, Victor gets uncertain.

Victor went into the room and locked the door. He slept.

At this stage, do you understand the storyline? Victor has just released his power. With a state of involuntariness, Victor rewinded time. Because Victor himself didn't know he had used his power, he couldn't control the extent to which time went backwards.

These forces could affect the future. Things that should have happened didn't happen. In this case, the previous scene Victor crouched down and frustratedly rubbed his face then Barred appeared in the doorway because Victor didn't lock the door. At this time, Barred did not see Victor had already gone home. He walks through Victor's bedroom door and goes on to have dinner with Ox and Noh. Victor survived. Ox didn't succeed in eating Victor.

Then where is Daniela? Is she also affected by Victor's strength?

The answer was no, because Daniela was not in the room when Victor unknowingly released his powers. Daniela was not in an area reachable by Victor's power Domain. So Daniela was the only one who could remember the previous sequence of events besides Zi and Wildo who had observed their behavior from the roof of the building next door. Wildo and Zi did not hunt on this full moon night like others do.

"Your guess is correct. But at the moment, he has not been able to control his abilities, even though he himself is affected," Wildo said. Next to him, Zi sat on the roof divider of the building. He sat crossed his legs and there was a lollipop on the corner of his lips. Zi's blond hair fluttered in the wind. He wears an army parka jacket with wide-bottomed pants. 

"Will it take a long time?" Wildo asked after observing for a moment.

Zi shook his head. "I'll wait a little longer. Now I'm quite happy because I've seen the rise of that power. It is not in vain to wait for the reincarnation of the creature now. The thing I want to make sure is in sight, but I still want to observe a little more."

Zi turned his head, his eyes crushed by the moonlight looking clear looking at Wildo. "Keep an eye out, and don't let Mario know our true purpose."

Wildo snorted. "Aren't you worried?"

"Worry about?"

"What if one day someone succeeds in taking away his power. Its power is rare and desirable for many Phantom," Wildo said.

"It looks like you're more worried than I am," Zi said.

Wildo did not respond. There was only wind blowing between them. The sound of vehicle horns in the distance splits the noise of motor vehicles that are still active on the streets.

After a while, there was no conversation between Wildo and Zi. Wildo asked something. "Didn't you plan to take Mario's power too? His body, how is it?"

Zi did not respond.

"And speaking of Mario. It seems that he met the agent of Mantis. JoydaG informed the Panther Stadium incident. They must be looking into your weaknesses," Wildo said.

Zi took a deep breath. He looked up at the full moon and smiled from ear to ear.

"Let them find out," Zi said as he looked up at the sky, as if he was also confessing to the Creator.

"Aren't you worried?" Wildo deliberately repeated the question.

Zi listened to the sound of the wind.

"You repeat the same question."

"Because I was so worried, I asked the same question. Don't you know what I mean?"

Zi looked thoughtful, his blush suddenly became extremely sad. He was tormented by something.

"Dian Yan Li, who is now born with the name D'Rana, will soon be in the golden age," Wildo said, the name that Zi missed very carefully.

Zi took out a lollipop from his mouth. He twirled the lollipop with his two fingers. Think.

"There is nothing to worry about. Just focus on finding a way to get the Snake Demon back to where it belongs."

Wildo was not convinced. "We need more fuel," said Wildo, who looked up at the full moon.

"Do you think Toni will kill Victor to prevent you from having him?" Wildo said it like he was pondering.

Zi laughed mockingly at D'Toni from a distance.

"He won't. I know his nature very well. He is too arrogant to do such a sneaky thing. After all, he will always focus only on D'Rana," Zi said. "As we get closer to the golden age, all kinds of demons will appear around D'Rana to eat her. Not to mention the existence of greedy humans who tried to kidnap D'Rana for money. That Snake Demon Army, has been very busy to keep D'Rana away from D'Rana's treasure hunters and soul."

Wildo couldn't help agreeing with this fact.

Zi then jumped down. He stood beside Wildo. "Tell Aditya to get ready to take over Falcon Face. We make Falcon Face as a source of food and financial resources," Zi said who then grinned.

"I'll go to dinner now," Zi said, then disappeared from Wildo's sight.

Wildo then returned to White Castle. He met Daniela in the lobby. Daniela has returned Diego to his room, number 2. Diego fell asleep after eating ten human flesh.

"Where have you been?" Daniela asked, her attitude harsh and threatening.

Wildo leaned against Daniela's guard room door leaf.

"Hunting," Wildo said. "We all live wildly, don't we?"

"Then you are not affected by the newly awakened power," Daniela said. She then loosened her shoulders.

"I saw it from up there," Wildo said.

Daniela didn't care much about what Wildo saw.

"So, what do you think? That being can influence our reality. I want him to be quickly removed."

"You want to kill him?"

"I would do that if it was the only way to protect my life," Daniela replied.

Wildo's lips that were not covered by the mask smiled. "You can't kill him," Wildo said. The response was very calm and relaxed. "Before you can touch him, either Zi or Mario will crush you."

Daniela's eyes narrowed.

"If he wants it, why not just eat it now," Daniela then acted more leniently.

"What should we do to make the fruit good to eat?"

Daniela sighed, "Eat it when it's cooked."

"That's right! We have to wait until it is ripe. Especially for Victor, he is not a fruit that will ripen by itself. We have to make sure the environment supports its maturity. The more threats that appear around him, the higher his defensive attitude will be. The more challenges in his life, the stronger his mentality will be. The stronger the mentality, the stronger the energy, and the more delicious it will taste."

Daniela hates listening to Wildo's lectures. Then he idly said, "Aren't you interested in having his energy? Your strength will increase and who knows to become stronger than Zi or that Demon Serpent."

Hearing Daniela's instigation, Wildo responded coldly, "I'm not interested. And I know very well that he's not one of those puzzles that I have to put together with my body."

While Daniela and Wildo are arguing, Zi has arrived at a fairly luxurious apartment. Zi stood in front of Luis who was blindfolded. His hands were facing up, tied together, while his feet were straight to the floor but the soles of his feet could not reach the floor.

Luis's body was writhing in the air, and saliva was already dripping all the way to his chest. His mouth was gagged with a red cloth. Luis is in a very erotic moment. He was exposed.

Luis squirmed as a vibrator was inserted into his body. Zi turned it on thirty minutes ago and left it in such a state.

Zi touched Luis's tense nipple. Luis gasped. During this half hour he imagined Zi sitting in front of him, drinking tea, and watching his body squirm.

"The floor has become very wet. How many times have you spouted it?" Zi touched Luis's two nipples and spoke softly to him.

Luis was embarrassed. He didn't dare admit how many times he had orgasmed just from imagining Zi observing his body moving out of control. His erotic thoughts moved his body.

Zi pulled off Luis's mouthpiece cloth. A short and erotic sigh just came out. Then, a long sigh came out of his throat as the vibrator was removed from the back of his body. At the same time, the front of his body became like a fountain. Luis's foot moved out of control trying to reach the floor, but couldn't. His body twisted. Zi stopped him by holding Luis's waist.

Luis's gaze was out of focus. He is still at the peak moment. It was at this moment that Zi took Luis's life energy until the human was unconscious.

In fact, Luis has been experiencing sexual violence. However, Luis cannot admit it because part of him claims to enjoy extreme treatment from Zi. His mind had become abnormal in an instant since meeting Zi.

Zi scanned Luis's body. His head drooped between his two arms that were still tied on top.

"I don't need you anymore," Zi muttered. Then he held Luis's head and turned Luis into ashes.

"The reason is because you're too obedient," Zi said, staring at the pile of human ashes at his feet. He then turned his body towards the refrigerator, fetching mineral water. He rinsed his mouth with the water.

Then he looked up at the partially visible full moon in the window. He clucked and sat down on the chair. While staring at the full moon, Zi recalled the past.

It's hard to forget the past that is still warm in the memory. He saw dozens of his soldiers being wiped out by the Snake Demon soldiers.

"This war will never end. The only one who can end this is Rana...," he whispered.