"You have been gone for almost six months Lia and now you just show up. Where have you been?" Axel suddenly asked.

"Axel, you know how dangerous it was for us back then. Constantine captured me and tortured me before I found a way to escape. I just decided to lie low for a while" Lia explained but Axel just gave a suspicious look.

Lia gulped hard hoping that he does not suspect her or anything. He knew Axel to be a sly person. What she says doing was dangerous but she had to do it to her her revenge. She must avenge herself from them.

Lia clenched her fists but manages to calm herself even before anybody notices.

"Axel, give her a breathing space. We all knew what she passed through. She just came here so that Constatine won't get her!" Leon suddenly said and Lia breathed out in relief.

Axel said nothing else but slowly walked to his room. He was in no mood not to talk any longer. 
