Those eyes feel familiar

"Here we are. Home sweet home" Su waited for his shaking to stop before he decided to drag his hand out of Erwin's secure grasp. All he could see for miles and miles was the desert.

"Where are we currently? You said that you would take us to the capital city of Artheta, not to the desert. What are we to do now?" Erwin complained, his voice carrying a small hint of 'Alpha' in it.

It was potent enough to cause their beta guide to flinch sue to authority.

But the Sentient quickly shook his hesitation off and his expression turned serious. There was a small hint of caution and suspicion in his gaze as well when he looked at the pair.

"I said that I will take you to Artheta, I never said I will take you there through the portal. Besides, no rift opens into any city directly. You should know all that already though" Su surpassed his instincts to flinch.

Their guide was onto them and it would be a disaster if he knew their real identity. They would have no choice but to take him down somehow.

"Sorry. Being in the human world has dulled my memory a little. You know, humans and their stupidity that is contagious. I was just in a hurry to finally be home for real" the expression of their guide eased a little at those words.

Looked as if they were off the suspicion life for a little while longer.

"I know what you mean. I feel like my IQ drops a few points every time I have to talk to a human. At least they make good labor despite their lack of magic. By the way, is that beta your servant? He's dressed well for a servant" the guide commented while looking at Su.

It took a good minute for the pair to respond to his words.

"Excuse me. He's no one's servant, much less mine. If you talk like that about Su again, I will make sure you regret it" Su cursed under his breath as he watched Erwin's temper flare.

"My a-apologies. I was not aware you both were in that kind of relationship. Though I have to ask, is it not difficult during your ruts? Surely a beta is not enough to, you know, satisfy that primal urge" Su felt a flush creep over his face.

The heat was one time which was private for Su and it was similar care with Erwin's rut. Whatever happened in that time was never discussed between the pair.

Not that anything was going to happen with Su. His instincts had claimed someone a long time ago so he was out of luck.

Even if he did decide to not spend his heat alone, his body was not going to give him any other choice but to spend it alone. There would be no satisfaction for him with anyone else but his childhood alpha.

"Whatever relationship we both have is none of your business. Now, lead us to the city before I decide to do away with you" Su felt the temperate of their surroundings drop from Erwin's sheer glare alone.

Those shining blue eyes did look as if they had magic inside them. They captivated Su for this very reason.

He did not feel attracted to them in a romantic sense, but he did feel an appreciation for them all the same. Especially when they managed to make a magical being cover under their glare.

"O-Of course. Please follow along with me" for all his faults, their guide did prove to be useful and led them through the desert.

Su wanted to believe that they would have found the entrance to the capital city on their own as well but it was impossible to tell.

More so since the entrance had been masked by magic.

The guide parted the magic curtains and allowed the pair entry into the capital city of Artheta. The feeling of oppression that this place gave off was unlike anything Su had ever witnessed before.

And he knew that it was the so-called 'magic' that made him feel like puking his guts out.

Not a lot of humans were sensitive to magic but some of them were a little too sensitive to magic. Su just happened to be a part of the latter category and he cursed his fate for it.

"You alright? You look a little white" Erwin asked once he had adjusted to the magical pressure of the city himself.

"The magic is a little too heavy. Nothing to worry about" Su's words did not match his complexion but he did feel better once he had some time to adjust to the magic.

"Such sensitiveness. You must be a highest-grade magician with such sensitivity. Tell me, have you seen the emperor face-to-face before? Is he as majestic as the rumors make him out to be?" Their guide asked.

His face lit up as soon as the subject of their emperor came up. In that sense, he was no different from an ordinary Sentient - worshipping their god.

"I have not seen him yet but we hope to see him once he descends for the lunar festival" their guide's eyes lit up at those words and understanding passed over his eyes.

Instantly, his gaze sharpened and focused on Su's face and Su felt his heart drop in fright. Had he made a mistake by admitting such words? Should he not have said that?

But all his worries were blown away by their guide's next words.

"Please, i-if you ever get to meet the emperor then tell me about him. I wish to also bask in his glory once in my lifetime, even if only by a second-hand account" Su felt a grin pull his lips up in enjoyment.

This poor guide had no idea what he was asking for. Also, he had no idea just what his people had done to Su's people.

"Oh, I'm sure you will hear all about it. After all, it will be an event no one would ever forget for ages to come" Su's voice must have held some inking of his intentions because it caused Erwin to frown.

A bewildered look crossed their guide's face as Su's words reached his ears. His face held a gleam of fascination and wonder which made Su feel guilty.

But he quickly shook it off with a reminder to keep his thoughts in check. This was no time to get sidetracked by things no longer his concern. He had an emperor to kill and getting distracted would not do him any wonders.

"Let's go, Su. Our accommodation had been arranged for. The next two days are going to be one filled with work for us to do after all" Su felt his eyes roam around the place and instantly knew why Erwin was hurrying him.

There were too many guards around the plaza which confirmed their theory. The emperor would descend to this city in the next few days and their window of opportunity would come then.

"How did you even manage to get us accommodation? Do we even have any money to pay for it?" Su asked in a hushed voice as they passed a patrolling guard.

Reptilian eyes met Su's own and they felt familiar for some reason. Su was sure he had seen them before but his memory failed him in that regard.

"-had to pull some string but we have enough. And Su, this way" There was a hand on Su's right arm that made him tense up. Someone was touching him without his approval and Su did not like it.

And the owner of those familiar pair of eyes was running away from him. Su needed to chase down those eyes and demand some answers.

They felt as if they fit in the memory Su had been missing.

"Excuse me. I need to check something out" Su tried to shake that handoff of his person but the grip on his arm was too tight. The person, alpha was not letting him go anytime soon and Su's inner omega felt threatened.

He unconsciously bared his teeth at the Alpha but felt his face soften as his eyes met a familiar-looking face.

Erwin did not look angry but he did look worried and it made Su feel even guiltier. It had not been his intention but it had somehow ended up like this.

"You look too tired to be allowed out here. Let's go back to our place and get you to bed" Su wondered at Erwin's gentle actions before he felt eyes on them.

Of course, his actions had not gone unnoticed in such a populated area but no damage had been done thus far. People were merely curious but it had not enough to make them remember Su's face.

Not if they left the space right now and waited for this incident to fade these people's eyes.

"Please. I feel faint as well. Maybe the heat is getting to me" it was not too hot but the excuse did make sense.

Su was not able to shake off the feeling of those familiar reptilian eyes following his person the whole time.

And maybe that is why he decided to sneak out the next day alone. To find the owner of those unsettling eyes on his person.