Chapter Thirty-Five: "I have nothing to offer"

Andrea and Bree walked into the wide open apartment. Before they left, they must've forgotten to lock the door, so they met it ajar.

Andrea turned to Bree "was this on purpose?"

Bree took the bag from Andrea and walked to the kitchen counter "considering the fact that you almost set my apartment ablaze, yes I kept it open"

The smoke had dissipated when they came in, but there was still a faint smell in the air. Andrea walked to the windows, Bree had also kept those open, the whole place was exposed.

"What if someone had robbed you?" Andrea asked as she advanced to close the windows.

"I don't have anything of value here," Bree replied.

"What about your car?" Andrea asked, pointing at the keys left on the kitchen counter.

"Please" Bree replied and Andrea laughed.

Andrea understood Bree's joke, she would give away that Range Rover in a heartbeat. It would do Bree a huge favor if the car was stolen.