Chapter Sixty-One: "Disgusting"

Sophia nodded her head, by the looks of it, she figured they must've decided to call it quits and move on from each other. She couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face. Maybe this was her chance at finally getting Bree to notice her, although there hasn't been a day she had gone unnoticed by Bree, however, she wanted something more.

"Don't you think you're being too obvious?" Andrea sneered. She frowned her face, glaring at Sophia who could see her from the rearview mirror.

"It doesn't matter, you're married and Bree is done with you. I'm thrilled" Sophia laughed. Bree on the other hand had her eyes pinned outside, the last thing she was focusing on was the conversation.

Andrea rolled her eyes and looked away as well, if Bree was not going to say anything, she shouldn't either.