Faye and Fabio

Andrea drove Faye to the club where she got the job for her at exactly four pm, she did not wait around for pleasantries or insignificant goodbyes, as Faye climbed down from the car, Andrea drove off the very second without so much as a goodbye.

Faye watched her leave but could say nothing, it was not like she was expecting Andrea to be a little sentimental, wishing her well and urging her on with pep talks and a raise. Only that she felt rather awkward or cruel that Andrea could simply abandon her here with people she had never met and not even bother about her safety, not even wishing her well.

No, she expected Andrea to urge her on with pep talks and tell her everything was going to be alright and promise that it was only temporary and looking to make sure she was comfortable at the very least. But Andrea was devoid of a heart. She held no importance to these casual, caring remarks. The only thing that mattered to her was Bree.