Chapter 1

Aamon seemed have a never ending dream in the darkness only darkness you can see not even slightest light.

He didn't know where he is and can't do anything about it and only to wait but when her mind wake up he feels like he has a body but he feels like he didn't have a human body anymore.

After waiting her like a long lasting darkness dream aamon wake up he couldn't help but to surprise that he though he will reincarnated as a human but he woke up in egg he continue destroy the egg so that he can get out into egg.

After aamon completely crack the egg and he himself got out into egg because it was so hard to get out to egg so he feels happy about it.

But the moment he got out into egg it was really surprise him because this is was not blue planet anymore with a one white moon but a three moon the one is white but pretty bizarre and another two has same looks it's was red moon the second one is like a pretty bizarre full of blood moon and another is just like a white moon but it's red.

It's was really unbelievable that he saw three moon and he know that he is not in same place before and he looked around he saw many eggs that same appearance that he have when he is in egg he saw many little look a like a demon but they are not same other has blue skin other has red other has purple and many more but he look himself he saw he has a red skin and he has horn but only small as if slightest horn.

He guess that he was reincarnated as a demon he sighed Aamon said in her mind "Damn if only I didn't save that girl I will not be in here!" but he shooks his head "No that was right I did do that even I'm that place it will no difference because I didn't even have a family and I was abandoned..." he looks down himself but the moment he looks down her instinct that he need eat that egg that he hatch out and he saw many demon do that so he follow the other demon and eat the egg.

After eating the egg her memory in this place clearly now know the common sense in this place he is now in the called abyss that like a hell place that he heard of in blue planet but it's different he feels still like he lacks a knowledge he only know a common sense into a upper level.

After ingesting the information that he get from egg he now know that he need to kill a life to gain souls and eat it and they will gain a magic power but that doesn't mean they can use it early.

Low level demon if they eat a soul they will gain a slightly strength and if they eat it again and again if they reach to the Low level high demon they will need to have requirements to gain evolution and that was a bloodline if you didn't have meet a requirement for a bloodline you will not reach into that next evolution you will only stay at low level demon forever unless you have a potion to reach another evolution but it's expensive low level demon without a strong family can't never get potion.

After he finished ingesting information other demon starting killing each other all of demon that got injuries they have a purple blood all of them have a purple blood after other demon died a white souls looks like a normal soul Aamon know that was the lowest level soul and demon start eating it and the demon that eat soul start killing other Aamon feels like someone want to kill her into her back but aamon quickly dodge but when he dodges her arm got injuries purple blood came out he feels a bloodlust from her body he feels like he need to kill that demon injuring her right arm he saw that demon injured her arms a ugly demon with a red blood like her and he has same height to Aamon.

Aamon quickly moved her hand into that demon injured her he moved quicky that choke that demon but the demon dodges aamon attack and the demon smirk into her aamon feels rage into her body he feels like he is out of control so he took a chance while the demon got distracted aamon arm shot into the demon stomach and it worked and the demon struggling into aamon and after a second he died and white soul came out and aamon quicky eat it so that other demon will not get it after he eat the souls he feels like reborn and the souls he eat is so addicting he feels urge to eat more souls but after he eat the souls he heard something strange like ai and he turned around he was shocked he really saw a cheat that only he heard into novels and it say

[Congratulations host for eating for the first time eating souls the systems will start for a second]

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[Host: Aamon

True name: Osiris De ou Moslos Ven Aamon

Bloodline: Lowest Level bloodline [Super Bad]

Evolution: Low level demon - Low

Status: Fine

Strength: 9

Speed: 6

Magic power: 0.10


[Souls: 0]


Hint: Super bad bloodline will never reach into the next evolution but if you want change your bloodline you need to buy it from the store]