After waking up he goes to the appliances store to buy a bed there he buy a big bed for about a 3 gold and after that he goes to the cemetery after he ask other he pick up a souls after a 1 hours of work the cemetery is so large but its easy to find where souls are so he find it easily he get about a 160 souls and aamon said status
[Host: Aamon
True name: Osiris De ou Moslos Ven Aamon
Bloodline: Lowest Level bloodline [Super Bad]
Evolution: Low level demon - Low
Status: Tired
Strength: 31
Speed: 23
Magic power: 4.10
[Souls: 1052]
Hint: Super bad bloodline will never reach into the next evolution but if you want change your bloodline you need to buy it from the store]
aamon smiled because he felt great he got easily a souls and said "so that's other demon said it's so easy to get a souls into other world.." he got all the souls without risking her life an just picking up he was happy and he said "So that's why there was only a small population here because demon coming here and killing the human..." her souls felt sad because her past race got eaten by a soul "no I should never get affect by a human because human is greedy and a selfish.." he still felt sad about her past that other people treat her like a trash and worthless.
When he goes back to the kingdom and he heard a trumpet into whole kingdom and the civillain panick and they start running in their own home with their weapon and the guard start running to the gate to protect the gate with a nervous face and aamon saw that and said "What happend?" aamon didn't saw happening into outside because the guards immediately close the door and goes up to the walls with their bow and arrow and aamon said "let me check it up" he kill the soldier when other not saw him an he wore the armor and he got up to the walls and he saw a many demon about a 50 demon middle and a high low demon other has armor but not full plate and other not with a smirk face and they start running and aamon now know what happening and aamon said into her mind "should I kill the human guards here?" and the guard look like a commander start saying "1... 2... 3... FIRE!!!" and the guard start attack using bow and the arrow look like sturdy and aamon start come to the commander to kill her so that human guard will panic because their commander died and who will command them aamon didn't let her guard down and he kill the commander without knowing he was there and the commander die painless with a tears and died after that the guard saw who kill the commander and all of them shocked and start saying "WHO ARE YOU!!!" and aamon running to down into stair and the 3 guard start running into aamon and and aamon start open the gate and the guard shocked when aamon open the gate and aamon tears off her mask of human with a smirk face they saw a demon look like a teenager with a red skin look like a ugly and it's aamon he start killing the three guard and running to the demon side and one of the adult low demon said "Hey what that item you use? that was damn usefull" aamon said "Haha I just was lucky I buy it and it's limited and it's expensive and" and the demon said "damn I was envy to you maybe you already got the rest of souls.." and aamon said "Yeah I already got many!" the adult with a envy face and they start killing the civillain with a happy face and the civillain start crying with a fear face and can't do anything about them and the guard can't even do anything because they only have a weak body and the commander died because they didn't know what to do when the commander died and aamon start killing too and he feels like a happy too but her souls look like a tired even her body was not tired and that after a 6 hours of the demon domination they already kill all in the kingdom and maybe they have a 10,000 population and the demon died about a 23 because they were unlucky got accidentally got died in the guard, civillain with their sword even aamon got injuries too but thankfully he have a potion into her inventory.
and aamon got about a 190 souls because he was the weakest because the demon have a stronger than any race but not the strongest the weakest is one of the teenager demon he have a red skin too and even aamon are stronger than that teenager demon and he start asking "Why I am still weak even I as a low demon and you all are middle demon why I am stronger than her?" and the adult saw her and start saying "you don't eat a souls?" and aamon said "no I eat but only small soul" and the demon said "You dumb didn't the memory you got since you born didn't teach you how to be get into next evolution?? maybe you have a good bloodline that why your stronger than her even you are a low demon" and aamon start saying "maybe a memory lost?" and the demon said "Maybe..?" "You need a magical power to be into next evolution! when you eat souls you get a magical power right?" aamon said "yeah..." the demon said "you need magical power to be in next evolution and that your physical power will increase significantly to the middle demon you will choose what you want path you choose and that was a magician power or a physical power you will only focus to that and I will choose physical power because I have bloodline into that hays I wish I was a magician power because magic power are destructive..." and aamon start ingesting information and he thanked the demon by giveing her a 30 souls and the demon accept it and after that all the demon start coming back into abyss portal and even aamon too came back too.