The way to rebirth

Alexander was on his way too his new job, a cashier at a small gas station just outside of town, he had been excited too get this new job for awhile now because he hadn't had any sort of real job before, despite his 21 years of life.

He saw several police vehicles speeding down the road on the way too the station but when checking the news and any other worthwhile information spreading apps but none of them had any sort of info on what was going on, he assumed that it was because it may have just broke out or they weren't letting the information out at the time, so he focused more on his bike ride too work. "Must be some sort of accident or something" he murmured too himself, just than his one best friend come into view, her name was Sandra, when he had noticed her he raised his hand over his head too wave so it was more noticeable, she had been waiting for him because she had interviewed for the same job he was supposed too get, but she didn't look too happy with him from the first look. As she looked up his face turned too shock because she had been completely covered in blood, and in her hand a sharp blade also somewhat covered with blood, just than a notification goes off on his phone.

"Caution: stay inside and lock your doors, there has been several murders at the nearby gas station and in the back alley way leading into town from that station, the murderer has yet too be caught so until we have identified and captured them it is better for you all too stay insi-" Before alexander could finish reading even half of it Sandra had already been standing right before him plunging the blade into his chest, "I had known about that job far longer than you, so how come You were the first too get it! Why the hell am i always second place to you!! No one ever notices me!!!" she starts screaming as she stabs alexander. She had been right though, for aslong as the two could remember the only person anyone had ever noticed was alexander. Sandra had her upsides too but no one ever looked at her like they did at him, he was far more respected and looked up too getting good grades in school and being on the top of the list to enter a renown college, alexander had turned it down preferring to get in real job experience before anything else and going for something simple first. Sandra hated him for always being in the spotlight, even when she thought she could escape his shadow he always seemed to loom over her, in the end coincidentally they even went for the same job only for her to miss out and him to be hired on the spit. After all this time she had enough and figured it was about time to show him just how much she was revolted by it, both by him and by everyone else starting with those very employees she would have gotten to work alongside if not for him.

As he layed there dying on the sidewalk he stayed concious long enough for the police too arrive, his final scene in his life, was his old best friend trying to stab a officer afterwards and in turn getting tased and nearly shot. The way Alexander would describe it after that point though, his consciousness had finally faded but he had begun too hear someone speaking too him. "Your life was ended far too prematurely, and it had been ended because of jealousy and hatred. those who live in the spotlight always fear those not within it however you showed no such thing towards those around you even though it was obvious they hadn't always liked you, you had been a pushover as you humans would put it.. But i had been working on a world as of recent that i had quite the idea with. Whenever the people in your homeworld would die i have made the system that they would be reincarnated based off of how they lived they're life, you are only but the first of many. I know you cannot respond too me in your current state. you are only a soul with no body. But as the first of many i will be watching, and i will expect good things from you." He heard from the voice in the bright light, it was a feminine voice, but he couldn't tell what had been going on besides that he had already been dead.

Once the reincarnation process had finally began though he had been given numerous boosts for being the first reincarnate, but he had no idea how they would come in handy until he saw how his world would be. this is where his journey in the new world begins however he doesn't just live as some normal human in this world.

He is not reincarnated as a slime as a show he had watched had shown. Instead he was reborn as a more solid construct formed by mana, an elemental with its own sentient thoughts and being. The elementals of his new world were typically only either summons that had worked or had spiraled out of control, his case was different however.

A mana elemental that had been buried in a cave far off any city or village.

As a mana elemental he hadn't been bound by any specific specialty like fire elementals or water elementals or any other ones would be. Though even with that being the case, mana elements since they had not mastered any one element they had a tougher time with magic than the others, but still were able too learn magics that were resricted too the intelligent races like the humans elves dwarves and hybrids. They were rarely summoned though because of the fact they never mastered any element, since there's only an extent to power controlled and harnessed by an elemental with no mastery. As he awakens though he isn't entirely sure how too control his newfound body. When he had finally been able too move his body he could only manage little slivers forward, it was so unnatural that he couldn't figure how too move all the pieces of it at once, so he had been forced too sliver each individual stone piece off the ground till he got more of a handle of his body.

A month had passed of him alone in the cave, finally he had been able too move his body more naturally almost like a humans arms and legs but he still had some more difficulty with it. He begun to dig things up from underneath the rubble in the cave surrounding him as well, from books about magic to experiments using alchemy even summons and enchantments and had found a small bestiary on monsters in the area had been there however the only ones that were not destroyed had been novice spells or basic understandings of the various specialties, one earth magic spell was minor terraforming which had allowed subtle changes to the cave, he was able to remove all of the rubble and get a better look at the cave he had been in even noting that it seemed like he was in a collapsed laboratory, one other spell he also learned would allow him too communicate with the other species more easily, especially since elementals didn't originally have any sort of language.

though other than the minor-earth terraforming and the language translation spells he had also learned basic spells like fire-bolt and Lightning strike aswell as wind slice and the final one in the attack category which was a freezing attack called frozen sphere, other than those spells however he couldn't find or learn any others, but he was also trying too terraform his way out of the cave since he had seen no exits originally.

Toward the end of the month however he had finally seen a shred of daylight through his hard day of work.

An explanation on the magic topic though, it would typically put minor strain on the users body and drain their magic too an extent the longer they used their spells, they would train mages too counteract the straining and the more you'd use magic the less it would require mana too use those spells depending on the ranking of the mages mana control, and even would increase the maximum mana you have in store, humans can get up too three thousand, elves over double with a maximum of seven thousand while dwarves can get too a maximum of one thousand but excell in most of the earthen spells they have, Hybrids tend to vary in their mana levels sometimes maxing out at one thousand like dwarves or even surpassing elves at eight thousand. The elementals can have a maximum of way over that however being around fifteen-twenty thousand, since they are made of magic they can have a way higher mana pool, it is also possible for the natural races too have a higher mana pool than they are originally allowed under special circumstances, such as dragon blood enhancements or enchantments, covenants with divine beasts and many more .

Back too the story though Alexander had finally began too dig his way out of the cave, but he had also begun digging deeper into the cave and ended up finding a whole cave system, he had read about cave dwelling creatures but hadn't thought they would look so different since they had never been in the light, he already summarized that since it was a new world it would be unnatural.

But what he had seen was not too far from what he expected, likely not having seen the sun since the caves collapse they had to evolve under there as well in order too survive, his goal would be to try and take one of them down to test his own limits before exiting the cave.