Chapter 1

Luan was done taking a shower. He closed the shower tab then dried himself in a soft velvet towel. With still dripping hair, he went out in the tub and wrapped the towel around his narrow waist. He went pass by the mirror, taking a quick glance at himself before going out of the bathroom.

His heart felt heavy as he saw the warm but empty bed. Luan shook his head lightly and did not think about it anymore.

He have to or else stream of tears will be seen again. It's tiring.

Instead of getting depressed by himself, he went to get himself a boxer brief and wear it before sitting on his messy bed. With a towel around his waist, Luan suddenly propped half of his body on the bed, his feet was still on the cold floor.

Luan let out a deep sigh. His dark orbs disappear when he close his lids, head between his arms and he pursed his lips.

Ah yes it is tiring. Everything seems to make me tired. Everything seems to be lifeless. Even the color of the ceiling seems like it need a little life.

Luan, who is lost in thoughts, all of a sudden felt his head throbbing in an incredible pain.

Maybe because he took a shower early in the morning, the sun haven't even rise yet. Maybe because of the force of him suddenly throwing his half body on the mattress. Maybe because of what happened last ni—

He stop himself.

Because of the sudden pain in the head, Luan's eyes went wide open as his two hands pressing his thumping head down to ease the pain even just a little.

With a groan, he cursed silently, "Fuck—"

Then a memory of last night flashes before Luan's eyes..

Luan heard a car parked outside the house so he went to look at the window, just beside his shelf, and saw Chaoxiang went out of his grand car with a coat lay on his broad shoulders. He glanced at the wall clock, 1am he is late again. This is not the first that Chaoxiang went home late but Luan can't help but feel worry.

Luan's heart skipped a beat when he saw how his husband, yes HIS cruel husband, loose his tie and run his slender fingers through his messy dark hair.

Luan can't help but feel excited to see his husband finally went home. A small smile leave his lips as he saw Chaoxiang frown, obviously tired from work.

Luan thought that maybe this is a best time for him to cook something for his husband. There's nothing wrong with what he thought but he stop for a second, hesitating if he should do it or just get him some coffee. Because Luan was so sure that Chaoxiang will not sleep yet. Chaoxiang barely sleep which concern him a lot. But what can he do? Stop him and tell him sleep early for the better health? Luan doesn't need to say that because Chaoxiang will not listen. So why bother? Still, he can't help but feel worry..

He sighed and look down on his pale hands on his lap then clench it hardly.

Luan decided to at least greet his husband and at least try to ask him if he want something to eat.

He went out of his room and went down stairs to welcome his husband in a warm smile. "Chaoxi, welcome home," he said softly, "How's work? Do you want to eat something? I'll cook it for you," he added, smile did not leave his lips.

Because Chaoxiang is too tall for Luan, he have to look down to see who's talking to him, he saw Luan, smiling softly to him and his frown deepened. But his eyes still won't show any emotion whenever Luan is around.

All of these aren't new to Luan. Because ever since day one, Chaoxiang is always like this to him. His treatment to Luan doesn't change even the slightest. Now that they are husbands, Luan thought that he would see a change to his Chaoxi even just a little bit but unfortunately he did not. More like it worsened? He actually doesn't know.

Luan waited for him to reply but when he thought he doesn't heard him, he was about to repeat it again with a louder voice when Chaoxi replied, "Don't bother," and he walk pass him and went upstairs, leaving Luan who's smile frozed.

When he heard a door closing upstairs so loudly, he finally dropped his smile. Luan suddenly felt bad and his heart ache so he went to rub his aching chest.

"I feel like drinking tonight," so Luan went to the kitchen and look for a good wine on the shelf. Then he fill his wine glass half then gulped it in one shot.

The wine he drank is strong for it is an old wine so Luan's face color immediately change, from pale to red. Holding the counter to support himself, he fill his glass again with wine and gulp it. Feeling lightweight, Luan doesn't seem to want to stop drinking.

Luan knew why Chaoxi is being cold like that to him. It's because he's married to someone he doesn't even know. He's married to a MAN at that. Chaoxi was forced to marry Luan for the sake of the two company. Yes, they just met, they are strangers, but were married. But only on paper, on contract. People outside doesn't know that the two are married Its just their famiy and closest friend. That is why people outside are wondering why the Jiang corporation, Chaoxiang's family company, and Fu corporation, Luan's family company, went into immersion.

Actually the two company is rival at the world of business. They are know not just inside the country but also outside. That is why a lot of people went into shock and confusion when an announcement released that Fu corporation will be under the Jiang corporation.

Immerging the two company for the sake of fame. Both of their parents agreed to this. They doesn't even consult their children about this. But since the two, Luan and Chaoxi, are both first born of both family, it is right for them to arrange the wedding as soon as possible.

Their parents are not close minded to same sex marriage that is why they easily accepted the proposal of each other. Luan too can't even imagine the two company shaking their hands together.That is why he's also confused. Actually, he doesn't know the whole story behind all these and he knew that there's something he doesn't know that everyone was hiding it from him.

And that's how he met Chaoxiang which is his husband now. Luan's feeling for him at first is neutral, its just nothing. He's not gay, that's for sure and he is so sure that Chaoxi is not either. That is why Luan's wondering why Chaoxi accepted the proposal of their parents that easily. But now that they were already married, he's not shock at Chaoxiang's treatment. But why did he marry Luan if he's just going to ignore him. It hurt Luan too but he have to ignore it.