Chapter 3

Luan smile when he saw Mingze, his friend since high school. Mingze was like a young brother to Luan even they are at the same age. Mingze act like a child and Luan thought it was cute because he was shorter than him and as sweet as kid.

Luan observe his friend who was smiling brightly at him he might go blind.

Mingze was wearing a denim pants and a purple sweater and there's a shoulder bag clinging on his body. His hair was dyed blonde and has a few piecing on his both ears. He looks like teenager.

Luan always thought that his friend is cute and handsome human being but can't help but wonder why he's single since forever. Actually there's a lot of girls going after him but his friend, Mingze, was always ignoring them. Even the guys who like him for his cute face,

they are all being ignored by him. Luan can always see him rolling his eyes and that made him laugh a little since it looks like a sulking child.

Mingze was one of those friend who knows that he's married to Chaoxi and Luan thought that he deserve to know. Because Mingze is always there for him, since the beginning of their friendship till now. He knows what's happening inside their house. He knows the agreement of their parents. He know about the company and about the marriage. He knows everything because Luan trust him.

"Mingze, " Luan said with a smile.

Instead of saying hi, Mingze gasped dramatically, " What happened? Why do you look like a zombie with those dark bags under your eyes?" it sounds like an insult but to Luan, he was just telling what he thought and saw.

So Luan just smiled and started walking, Mingze followed him, "Something happened last night. It's actually nothing but—"

"You drank," Mingze said seriously and Luan nodded. " And it's because of Chaoxiang," it's not a question, its a statement, its a fact. Luan nods again. "What did he do this time?" he asked, feeling annoyed.

The question 'what did he do this time?' is like Chaoxi always do something to Luan that made him like this. And that Luan kinda want to defend his husband but he choose silence.

"Lets just go, we're already late," he said as he look at the time.

"What?!" Mingze shrieked that made Luan turn around to look at him with wide eyes. He can't believe Mingze created that sound, it made him jump for second. "What do you mean 'lets just go'?!" Mingze eyebrows knitted together and it doesn't look good. He looked angry and pissed off.

Luan shush him, placing his forefinger on his lips to silence him but him Mingze slap it away. Luan almost laugh when he did that so he just said, "Later okay? I'll tell you after, but now, class first because we're really late, Mingze," he tried to calm him and remove that frown on his face.

"But Lu!" he started to complain but Luan already grab his hand and drag him to their class. It's a luck that they have their first class together, he doesn't have to go to their classroom alone.

"I promise I'll tell you later," he sincerely said so Mingze didn't speak anymore and let Luan drag him away.

When they reach their classroom and entered the room, their professor glared at them before they let them sit. They saw an available seat at the back of the room so the both of them walk towards there and sat. And everyone started to listen to the discussion again.

A few subject have passed and Luan was taking notes when he noticed Mingze pouting beside him. He put down his pen and face him, "Hey now, I told you I'll tell you later, so stop sulking already," he whispered to Mingze. He lowered his voice because he doesn't want to cause trouble to everyone who's listening.

Mingze glance at him before looking away, still pouting, "Its not because of that," he said and that made Luan wonder that if it's not that then what is he sulking about. Mingze looks like he's about to throw the whole classroom upside down.

Then Luan thought that if its not because he doesn't want to tell Mingze yet, then is it because something happened last night because of Chaoxiang?

And his question answered when Mingze speak, " It's because of Chaoxiang did something to you again—"

"He didn't hurt me,"

"I know he wouldn't lay a hand on you. But I know he would tell you something that will hurt you," Mingze said seriously.

Luan heart beats faster from what he just heard from Mingze.

He actually doesn't want to think about it for a while, he just want to finish everything in class before having a talk to his friend later. He doesn't want drama now, he doesn't want to be emotional now so he held back.

But Mingze doesn't seem to want to hold back. He is so straightforward. He doesn't even hide the fact that he's bothered and itching to ask.

Luan does not want to worry his friend and calm everything down first before telling him but Mingze looks so pissed right now.

"Mingze, calm down," he held his friend's back to sooth him and add, "I'm okay, really. I'll tell you everything later okay? I promise," he repeated to assure his friend who is not in the mood and just nodded to Luan. Luan sighed.

He was so grateful that someone like Mingze was there to worry for him. He was the best at everything and Luan loves that.

When the bell rang, a sign of its already break time. Mingze ask Luan if he wanted to go to the nearest cafe and Luan agreed.

The cafe is quiet and peaceful. It seems like it's blocking all the noise outside and all you can hear was the coffee machine and all the little voice talking. It's very calming and Luan likes it.

They found a table near the window and they sat after they ordered their fill. No one talked at first, just waiting for their order to arrive. Mingze was patiently waiting for Luan to open up and talked but the waiter arrived with their order. And when the waiter left, Luan started telling Mingze of what happened last night and the reason why he drank.

Mingze was just listening to Luan silently, no reaction and Luan was trying his best not to break down.

Luan thought that he doesn't want to cry anymore that is why he was doing everything he could to stop the tears from flowing. Even of his heart felt like someone was squeezing it.

Luan doesn't know if he's overreacting at something like that but still he felt the pain and Mingze understood him. He understands his friend who loves his husband. He's heart broke at the look of his friend right now but he also felt proud because he's becoming stronger as the day past. Luan does break down when he couldn't carry all the mix emotions but at least he was trying his best.

He knows what's situation his friend is right now. He knows that Luan can't divorce Chaoxi even if he suggest because of the company and their parents. Ang Mingze will never ask Luan to divorce his husband, he knows how much Luan loves Chaoxi. He knows how he develop the feelings. He knows everything. That's why he understands Luan.

But Mingze can't help but feel irritated at Chaoxiang,"He doesn't need to say that," he rolled his eyes, " And since when did he care? Why now? Ugh, your husband is giving me a headache. He's really too much,"

Luan just smile a little, "I don't know why he's being like that all of a sudden, but I don't think I can stop waiting for him. It's like its already on my schedule,"

Mingze sips on his iced coffee, "Don't mind him, Lu. Just do what you always do. He can just pretend that he doesn't see you, the hell I care," and now Luan felt like Mingze was the big brother. " And don't let him corrupt your head, stay focus,"

Luan laughs a little and said," I will—" he stopped when his phone rang.

*ring* *ring*

He went to his pocket to looks who was calling. The name Chaoxiang flashes on the phone screen.