
Yuuya sat down on the sofa in the living room and unlocked his Laptop and opened Syosetu to see the reaction of people and it was as he expected.

'100,000 views with 50,000 likes. It is a lot for a single night.' Yuuya thought.

The response of the people was good as well and Yuuya made a Twitter with the same name as his pen name which was Tenjou he was too lazy to use a different name.

And uploaded the 2 chapters he wrote before with his Twitter account linked to it.

As for the reason why he made a Twitter account is simple. It is for the publishing companies to contact him. Because there is no other way to contact him so he made a Twitter account.

'With this done I have to wait for the book to blow up and the rest is elementary,' Yuuya thought as he started typing again because of his photographic memory it was easy for him to remember everything he has ever read. So he continued typing away to pile up chapters.

Grayfia came into the room and stood beside Yuuya as she has finished all the chores that needed to be done.

'Master's emotions are a lot calmer now,' Grayfia thought as she looked at Yuuya with a smile.

"Grayfia you should learn about modern technology as well," Yuuya suddenly said as he looked at Grayfia.

"Yes, Master I have been reading about the appliances you gave me," Grayfia said.

"Ok, then try to use this then," Yuuya said as he finished another chapter and placed the laptop on the table, and pointed at it.

'Grayfia is a fast learner and she is intelligent so I don't have to worry as she will be able to adapt to the technology gap quickly.' Yuuya thought as he patted the empty space beside him.

"Excuse me," Grayfia said as she sat down beside Yuuya and looked at him.

Yuuya taught Grayfia about how to use a laptop and the internet.

"So I can look through a lot of information on the internet?" Grayfia said as she nodded.

"Yes, anything you want can be searched on the internet," Yuuya said in his usual tone.

"Ok, master," Grayfia said as she tried typing with her index finger poking at the keyboard and searched.

"Japanese food recipe?" I muttered.

"Yes, I never learned about Japanese food before, As Master is Japanese I wanted to make something you like," Grayfia said with a smile.

"Ok, although I don't mind the food you cook just do what you feel like as you have free time anyway," Yuuya said as he showed Grayfia how to use the other functions on the laptop.

'Master is so close to me,' Grayfia thought her and Yuuya's thighs were touching as he taught her his body was really close to her as she looked at him while he talked about the things she needs to know.

Yuuya saw Grayfia looking at his face with a soft smile.

"Did you understand everything?" Yuuya asked her as he moved back a little and slight sadness was reflected in Grayfia's eyes.

'Sigh*' Yuuya sighed in his mind as he waited for Grayfia to answer.

"Yes Master, I understood," Grayfia said as she smiled.

"That is good then you can use it for the time being," Yuuya said as he used his phone to look at the responses from the readers.

He looked through the positive comments which were expected. And he continued looking through them as he felt Grayfia learning how to use the laptop seriously as she was fully concentrated.


While Yuuya and Grayfia were spending their time silently, the other world was in chaos, Or to be more precise.

In Montres the royal capital of the Kingdom of Alceria, The royal palace where the royal family of Alceria resided in was in chaos because of the return of the first princess after she was attacked on her sightseeing.

The king was livid as he walked around his room in worry until he heard that Lexia came back unharmed. He ran to see his daughter only to be stopped by the physician that said.

"Princess is extremely fatigued at the moment and is sleeping so I would implore the king to please visit her later." The royal physician who was an old man wearing loose white robes with golden strips and white hair that was tied in a ponytail.

"A-ah, then I will visit her in the morning," The king said as he walked back looking dejected because he couldn't see his daughter but still a part of him felt relieved that she returned unharmed because he didn't want to lose his daughter. After all, he loved her dearly.

"The damn bastard who tried to harm my daughter I'll wipe your damn family out of Existence." The king said as he stomped towards the reception room.

He loves his daughter a bit too dearly, if I may add.

But he still backed down and went to tell his guest about what happened.

The following morning,

In the reception room of the royal castle which was filled with luxurious decorations with a red carpet with golden designs on it was laid on the floor with antique-looking sofas. The walls were white with a massive chandelier hanging on the high ceiling.

Owen was standing in the room at the moment as he was a bit nervous.

There were three people present in the room at the moment other than Owen. one man and Two women.

An elderly man with blond hair and blue eyes sat quietly in a high, opulent chair, dressed in glittering clothes. Owen's body naturally tensed up in front of his gaze, which conveyed a sense of compassion and dignity.

──Arnold von Alceria.

He is the current king of the Alceria kingdom and Lexia's father. At present, the royal castle's audience chamber in this royal capital of Montres has only the appearance of the king, Arnold, and Owen.

"So you are telling me that Lexia was saved by someone who lived in the Great Devil Den?" Arnold asked as the disbelieve in his voice was clear and that was the same for others in the room as well.

To live in the Great Devil forest what type of madman is he?

"Continue," Arnold said and Owen recounted about the events that took place.

"It is really hard to believe that a person that strong is unknown," Arnold muttered. As the eyes of one of the women shined as she heard about this.

"Yes, father I think Yuuya-sama is from a foreign royal family or a noble, he is really good looking as well," Lexia said as she smiled dreamily.

'Is it a strong man and handsome at that, can I get married now. No, he will have to defeat me first. SIGH* why did I have to set my standards so high.' The woman with a wolf cut of peach-colored hair and slit pink eyes. She was wearing a silver breastplate, a jet-black cloak, and a single sword on her waist as she listened to the talk silently.

"Your majesty, from what I think this man should be a foreigner as his name is different from any name we have heard. Even his hair was black with blue eyes." Owen said as he bowed.

"And you said that he will come here in a week?" Owen asked.

"Yes, that was what we agreed upon and he went back into the forest," Owen said.

"Yuuya-sama's magic was also unique he summoned a spell of wind element with just a word, and he called it a low-level spell, that destroyed an area as large as the courtyard of the castle and then restored it with a single word as well," Lexia said with a smug smile.


The Woman with peach color hair coughed as she was drinking her tea and Arnold was petrified by what he heard.

"Are you sure you didn't run into the magic saint, no wait he isn't Handsome, so is he his disciple? Why that geezer I'll punch his lights out for not telling me about this," The woman said as she clenched her fist.

"S-sword Saint-Sama," Lexia looked at the woman warily.

'Why do I feel a great sense of dread from her?' Lexia thought.

Yes, the third person in the room is The sword saint Iris Knowblade and the strongest 'Holy' of the current era.

"Anyway, I'll tag along with you in a week, as he is the disciple of a fellow saint it is my responsibility to see if he is worthy," Iris said as she coughed while lying.

'Sigh…I'm the only one of my classmates who hasn't married yet… and I can't stop training with my sword… so what am I supposed to do…? I can't let this opportunity go away.' Iris thought.

"C-certainly, As I thought a person couldn't be of normal status and thank you Sword saint-sama for accompanying them," Arnold said as iris waved her hand.

As Owen and Arnold nodded with Lexia being a bit reluctant but she can't deny a 'holy' so she nodded as well.

Seeing that everyone agreed Iris stood up and walked out of the room and went to the room that was given to her in the royal castle here during her stay. She was on her way to the regal kingdom but stopped by at the royal capital because she heard that the first princess was attacked by monsters she wanted to help but the princess was safe so after she was given the offer to stay the night she accepted.

But there was something more troublesome worrying her.

The strongest and most famous sword saint was worried about her nearing the end of her marriageable age.

The school she entered was not normal, but the prestigious Artemia Girls' Academy and the headmistress was a legendary witch who had once worked as an S-class adventurer despite being a noblewoman.

That's why, even though it's a girl's academy, there were classes to learn how to defend oneself, and Iris didn't neglect to practice voluntarily. As a result, Iris acquired abilities that far exceeded those of her classmates and obtained a power that overwhelmed even the teachers.

Then, the headmaster of the school, who was interested in Iris' abilities, introduced a certain person to Iris. That person was the former "Sword Saint," who would become Iris's master.