
"How much more time will it take?" sighing heavily while ignoring the gazes of the females in the store I spoke to Marin.

"Just wait a bit, why are you acting so shy?" A cheerful voice answered me who else can it be other than Marin.

'I'll just wait, whatever.' I shrugged as I leaned on the wall beside the changing room where Marin was trying on the Garter belt for the outfit.

"Hey, Yuuya-kun come here." After 5 minutes Marin called out to me and went near the changing room.

"What happened did it not fit properly?" I asked her in my flat tone.

"Yuuya-kun are you calling me fat how cruel, I may eat a lot but I maintain myself and my size is not changing you know, Hmph," Marin said as she puffed up her cheeks.

"I never called you fat I just thought you must've picked the wrong size." I simply said because I wasn't paying attention when she was looking for her size.

"Whatever, what do you think of this?" Marin asked with a grin as she moved the curtains a little.

A white garter belt with a flower net pattern and matching white stocking that reached halfway up to her thighs while exposing the rest.

She was wearing white underwear with the same flower net pattern as the garter belt which was connected to the stockings.

"Wasn't it supposed to be black? But kinda suits you." I said.

"Mou, That is your first reaction?" Marin pouted as her face turned a little rosy.

"If you feel embarrassed then don't do this kind of stuff," I said in my usual tone.

"Who is embarrassed? let me show you how I look properly." Marin was about to move the curtains away but…


"OUCH, Yuuya-kun." I flicked her forehead and she let go of the curtain and I closed them.

"Don't do stupid stuff in public," I said in my usual tone as I looked back to see the shopkeeper giggling as she covered her mouth with her hand.

"fufu, Yuuya-kun can get embarrassed as well," I looked back to see Marin poking her head out of the curtain and giggling.

"Just get changed will you, and I certainly told you not to do this type of thing," I said as I looked at her.

I am seriously worried about this girl if it goes on like this someone will take advantage of her.

"Yuuya-kun you are so cute when you worry about me," Marin said with a smile.

"Is that so," I looked at her while saying.

'How can I not be worried about you when you might be her…..' I thought as I looked at Marin who was blushing.

"Why are you blushing?" I asked her knowing why she was blushing as I didn't deny that I worry about her.

"N-Nothing." Marin quickly covered the curtain.

"Isn't it good to be young," The shopkeeper lady said as she came near where I was standing.

"Sorry for troubling you," I said to her because Marin can be really loud without noticing it.

"No it is fine, it isn't every day you get to see a young couple like this," The lady said as she giggled as she walked away.


I heard the sound of someone falling behind me I knew it was Marin.

"Marin are you Ok?" I asked her.

"i-I a-am f-fine," Marin said in a high-pitched voice.

"Be more careful," I leaned back on the wall after I told her.

"Y-Yes," Marin affirmed.

I didn't say anything and waited for her to come out.

Then the curtain opened and Marin's head poked out of it.

"Yuuya-kun comes here," Marin called me.

I looked at her and she opened the curtains a little to show me her leg gain that was wrapped in black net stockings and a black garter belt with black panties with flower net patterns.

"Didn't I just tell you about this? Don't just show yourself like this to anyone." I said as I sighed heavily at this girl's behavior.

"You can think of it as a reward for accompanying me today," Marin said with a grin.

'This girl is wrong in the head.' I thought as I looked at her.

Marin became a bit shy as I looked at her and then….

"W-what do you think?" She asked me.

"Well, these are the ones that will suit the character so it is the perfect one," I said in my usual tone.

"T-That's not what I am asking," Marin said as her face turned a little rosy.

"Then what do you want to know." I tilted my head and asked.

"H-How does it look on me?" Marin asked me as her eyes darted all over.

"It suits you," I told her.

Marin blushed and closed the curtains.

'What is the use of asking when you get shy?' I shook my head and waited for her to come out.

Marin walked out after she changed into her clothes and paid for the stockings and garter belt. But Marin still didn't look at me directly and only looked down as she walked slightly behind me.

We were on our way to my house because….


Marin's stomach growled and I looked at her as she was covering her face and her ears were red.

"Want to eat at my house?" I asked.

"I'll eat at your house today," Marin said as she nodded with a blush.

I nodded as I did tell her that she can eat at my house the last time because I don't want her to die of food poisoning.

We reached my house with Marin walking silently while taking glances at me.

After entering the house I saw Grayfia standing there.

"I'm Home," I said as I closed the door.

"Welcome back master," Grayfia said with a smile as she bowed.

"Thank you for having me," Marin said as she regained her usual liveliness.

Grayfia nodded as we made our way towards the living room and sat down on the sofa.

The time was 7 P.M currently and I was feeling hungry I turned towards Grayfia.

"The dinner is ready Master should I place it on the table," Grayfia asked me.

"Yes, I am hungry," I told her causing her to smile as she looked at Marin.

"Marin-san will be eating here as well?" Grayfia asked.

"Yeah, sorry to bother you Grayfia-san," Marin said with a smile.

"Don't mind it," Grayfia said as she walked towards the kitchen.

"Grayfia-san is such a good maid," Marin said energetically and I nodded a little.

"Marin, when are you going to wear the dress?" I asked her.

"There are still 3 weeks remaining for the recent event," Marin said with a smile.

"Ok, let's go and eat then," I stood up after I spoke and walked towards the kitchen with Marin following me.

I sat down as Grayfia helped me with the chair and the napkin and then placed the food in front of us.

The dinner for today was miso soup, rice, Rolled eggs, and grilled fish.

It was a normal Japanese meal.

"Ohh, it smells so good," Marin said with a wide smile.

"It is my first time making Japanese food so please tell me what it tastes like," Grayfia said as she sat down on her chair and ate the food which was delicious and didn't seem like Grayfia cooked it for the first time.

After finishing dinner we are now sitting in the living room with Marin sitting beside me rubbing her stomach with a satisfied smile.

I am writing the chapters for re: zero so that I can upload them, the book is doing really well as the readers are commenting about wanting more chapters of it, but it will need more time before it can get offers from the publishing company.

Grayfia walked inside the room and placed a cup of tea in front of me and Marin.

"Master, please have some tea."

"Thank you," I said and picked up the teacup.

"Thank you Grayfia-san~~," Marin said the same as Grayfia walked out of the room and came back with some cupcakes then placed them on the table, and Marin's eyes lit up.

"Grayfia-san, I love you so much," Marin jumped up and hugged Grayfia.


"Please release me Marin-san." Grayfia coughed as she spoke then looked at me for some help as Marin wasn't letting her go.

"Marin are you not going home it is getting late," I said as I looked at the time it was near 8 P.M.

"Yes, I totes forgot about the time," Marin said as she sat down and ate the cupcake like they will disappear.

'She has no intention of going before she eats the cake, huh.' I thought as I picked up a cupcake and ate slowly and uploaded the chapters I had written today which were four chapters.

Grayfia stood beside me silently and I continued my work.

"Ok, Yuuya-kun I'll be going home now," Marin said with a smile as she stood up after eating 4 cupcakes.

I looked at the time and said.

"I'll walk you home." I stood up because it was a little late for her to go alone.

"Thank you Yuuya-kun," Marin smiled with a little blush.

"Don't mind it," I said as we walked towards the door and looked at Grayfia.

"I'll be back in a bit," I said as Grayfia nodded.

I left the house with Marin and we are currently walking the empty road of my neighborhood.

This area is only lively in the morning because of the huge estates around this area. Marin isn't saying anything and walking silently while occasionally looking at me.

And after 20 minutes we reached the gate to a six-story apartment building.

"Yuuya-kun." Marin suddenly spoke.

"Hm," I looked at her.

"Thank you for today I had so much fun today spending time with you," Marin said with a red face and dashed inside the building.


"Ashber you know we are enemies right?" I asked.

"Mhm, I know," she said nodding.

"Then we shouldn't meet like this, right," I said in my flat tone as I looked at her to see the sadness in her red eyes.