Bonus Chapter: Hati

After I placed the drops inside my item box, I looked at the cute puppy that looking at me with wariness in his eyes. I can tell from his eyes that if he had the strength he would've ran away by now.


I walked towards him and the puppy growled at me trying to look threatening but it only looked cute rather than threatening.

I sat down in front of it and took out a flask that had the recovery potion I made from the recovery herb that grows in my garden. I also took out a bowl and poured it into it then placed it in front of the cub.

"Drink it, it will heal your wounds," I said in my usual tone.

The cub looked at me hesitantly and then at the bowl as if understanding what I meant, he licked the potion from the bowl slowly while looking at me and his body was soon covered in a green hue then his wounds disappeared. The pup was healed and he licked his body to check while being surprised.

I moved my hand to pat him his body flinched a little when it saw my hand approach him but it didn't move. I smiled slightly as I stroked his head softly.

"Good boy," I muttered as I saw the cub loosen up as he felt me stroking him. His fur is really soft and fluffy.

"Do you want to come with me?" I asked him as I continued stroking him.

"Woof?" It looked up at me confused.

"I'll take good care of you, what do you think?" I smiled slightly.

"WOOF!! WOOF!!" he jumped on me and started licking my face excitedly.

"You are really smart, good boy," I said again as the cub climbed down.

[Skill: Tame has been acquired]

'I got a new skill again,' I thought as I can get a skill pretty easily no matter what it is related to even if I have never learned about it before it comes to me easily.

I shook my head as I looked at the cub and appraised his status.


[Black Fenrir]

Level: 500

Magic: 10000

Attack: 10000

Defense: 10000

Agility: 15000

Intelligence: 10000

Luck: 10000

Note: Yuuya Tenjou's Follower.


"As I thought you aren't a normal wolf cub, a Black Fenrir, huh. How are you so cute then? The one I know isn't supposed to be this cute." I said as I rubbed my chin.

"WOOF?" the cub tilted his head cutely not understanding what I was talking about.

"You certainly are much cuter than the one I fought with," I said as I picked him up and placed him on my shoulder.

'You know if Loki will cry tears of blood if she heard that.' A voice sounded in my head.

'Well she needs to be alive to cry now, doesn't she?' I answered back in my mind.

'Well, that is true you did kill her after all. I still remember how she actually tried to beg for her life back then, a contrast to her normal mischievous behavior.' The voice answered back.

'You don't know a person's true self until you see them beg for mercy,' i said back in my usual tone.

'That is true, she had to die for what she did to you after all.....' The voice said as it stopped talking like it realized something.

'You started talking to me again after six days, huh.' I asked in my usual tone.

'....' The voice didn't answer back.

'Come on now, how long are you going to act like this?' I said but didn't receive an answer.


I sighed heavily causing the wolf cub to lick my face again as it looked at me as if asking what happened.

"What a caring kid. I still haven't given you a name right. How about..." I said in my flat tone as I looked at the cub's dark fur and his resemblance to one of the dogs I killed before.

"…..Hati, how about it?" I said as I looked at the cub with my usual face.

"WOOF!! WOOF!!" he woofed happily and I placed him back on my shoulder and continued my exploration of the forest because it is still early afternoon.

I was walking down an animal trail in the forest.

'Walking around in random directions is a pain In the neck, but…..' I looked to my right.

"Was it my imagination," I voiced my thoughts and looked at Hati.

"Woof!" He was walking in front looked backward and woofed as if asking what happened.

"It's Nothing," I said and he woofed cutely then continued forward.

'Cute,' I thought as I walked behind him.

I felt another monster not that far from us so I walked towards it and Hati followed me as he sensed the monster as well.

The monster I found was looked like a deer with two huge antlers that seemed to be made of crystal. Moreover, the color is different, one is a crimson crystal, and the other is an azure crystal.

'This is a new one,' I thought as I appraised it.

[Crystal Deer]

Level: 630

Magic: 15000

Attack: 10000

Defense: 10000

Agility: 15000

Intelligence: 15000

Luck: 3000

'The name is as simple as its appearance,' I thought as I looked at the deer look this way, no more like he found Hati.


Hati is currently glaring at the deer as he knew that he had been found out he got ready to attack.

The crystal Deer lunged straight towards Hati the level difference between them is big so I doubt Hati will be able to do anything.


I hit the Deer to the side of his head with the tail of the spear knocking him and sending the deer out like a cannonball towards the right side.


The deer smashed through some trees as it rolled on the ground and stood up on wobbly legs with blood pouring out of its temple.

"WOOF!?" Hati was shocked as all this happened before he can even notice.

"Do you want to try fighting it?" I asked him and he nodded with a cute cry.

'I don't think he will be able to fight it normally, then….'

"URUZ (UR), HAGALAZ (Haegl), EIHWAZ (Eoh). There you can go and try fighting it now," I placed three runes that had the effect of Enhanced Endurance, Protection, and Enhanced strength.

'Although the effect is only a 10% increase at the moment it is more than enough for now, I need to complete my magic circuit fast or I might fall into a desperate situation, Unless…..'

"WOOF!!" Hati's cry brought me out of my thoughts as I saw him get ready as he lunged at the deer.

"RRAAAAAAA*" the deer shouted as a ball of fire formed between his antlers and a fire beam went towards Hati who jumped to the right and ran towards the deer leaving a black shadow behind him.

"WOOF!" Hati cried out as he used his claws to slash at the Deer's neck. His speed was a bit too fast after his body got enhanced by the Runes although he isn't that good at fighting because of his young age and he can't use his power to the fullest it will be solved by training and fighting.


Hati's claws dug into the deer's neck as blood flowed out of it.

"RAAAAA*" the deer cried out as it moved its antlers that were covered in ice and hit Hati, who was knocked back, the deer launched many water spears in his direction which were swiftly dodged by Hati but a spear did hit him.


Or it hit the protective barrier around him, he wasn't injured as his body was covered by the Barrier and Hati jumped back to attack the deer.

It continued for another 30 minutes before Hati Killed the deer by ripping his neck with his sharp teeth and then he plopped down on the ground exhausted.

I walked towards him and looked at the dead deer that was covered in the scars as it bled from the claw and bites mars on his body.

"Woof?" Hati woofed as if asking me how it did he was just exhausted as there isn't any wound on his body because of the protection rune.

"You did a good job, but you can do better," I said as I saw the deer turn into drops.

[Crystal Deer Fur]:: Crystal Deer fur. It's very comfortable and very popular among royalty and nobles. It has some cold resistance, but the effect is very small.

'This can be used to make into a nice coat for the winter season not that I will need it,' I thought as I looked at the white fur that was soft and soothing to touch.

[Crystal Deer Meat]:: Crystal Deer meat. It goes well with a variety of dishes. It's very easy to eat because it has little fat and is fresh.

'I'll just give it to Grayfia she will figure out what to do with the meat,' I placed it inside my Item box as I thought o leaving this to Grayfia.

[Crystal Deer's Twin Antlers]:: Crystal Deer's antlers. The horns are special crystals called [Flame Crystal] and [Aqua Crystal], which are traded at a very high price. It can be transformed into a magical weapon called [Magic Weapon].

'Hmm, these can be useful, especially in making alchemy equipment, maybe I should kill some more Crystal deers.' It is a useful drop nonetheless.

[Magic Stone: Rank S]:: A special ore that can be obtained from magical beasts.

[Ultra-Luxurious Portable Outdoor Bath Set]:: A rare drop item that can be obtained from the Crystal Deer. A bath that you can take with you. You can easily enjoy various types of baths, such as cypress, stone, jacuzzi, and electric baths everywhere. You can also choose the effect of the tub. The bathtub and water are always clean, so no cleaning or maintenance is required. It also has privacy protection and can be wrapped in a special veil that is not visible from the outside.

'...' I looked at the cube-like object in my hand and nodded.

"I have to kill more Crystal deer after all." I nodded because his drops as useful in many things that I will be making.