BONUS CHAPTER: You Are No Fun To Fight With


The spears collided in mid-air and the sound of the clash reverbed on the whole battlefield.

"No matter how many times I see it, Ahh~ I just can't get enough of this sight," Loki said with a red face as she panted and gasped with a crazy smile on her face.

"I would've died as well if not for that spear to miss," Poseidon said as he was healing his hand and smiled creepily while remembering his battle with Scathach in which he was lucky enough to avoid his death by the spear which was unleashed by Scathach in her last moments although he was put in a near-death state but his core was intact and he was able to heal himself.


Athena's spear was shattered into pieces and the spear moved towards her causing her eyes to widen.

"N-No way this is?" Athena said with shock filled in her voice as her face had a scared expression as she saw the spear coming towards her.

"[AEGIS: Divine Protection]" Athena shouted and created a golden spherical force field around herself.


The red spear landed on the force field and shockwaves went all over the place as cracks started to appear on the golden force field and Athena's expression fell. As she bit her lips so hard that blood came out of it and moved all of her mana into the shield.

"L-LOKI H-HELP ME," Athena shouted as she looked at Loki.

"The Goddess of Wisdom is sure acting dumb do you not know what weapon you are up against. It is all up to your fate whether you can survive or not but I'll tell you not to get your hopes up as the chances are slim. You can ask your uncle about it, if you have the chance that is. FUFUFUFU" Loki said with a crazy smile.

'She likes transforming people into animals so much that her intelligence transformed into that of an animal as well.' The voice in Ashley's head said as it scoffed but he wasn't in any situation to answer as Fenrir jumped towards him and slashed at him with his claws. He blocked the incoming claws with the spear in his left hand but he was knocked down from the air as he landed on the ground to dodge the attacks from the wolf duo.

While Athena gritted her teeth as she tried to keep supplying the shield with mana, But it was to no avail the cracks grew deeper and finally, the Aegis gave in as it broke into pieces.




"N-NOOOOOOOOO," Athena screamed as the spear reached her, her eyes widened but the spear pierced her leaving a large hole in her upper body destroying her core. and landed on the ground destroying a few kilometers around where it landed. as rocks flew in all directions and the land trembled

"G-Gah, A-ACK," Athena said as she fell to the ground coughing up blood as she bled from the wound on her chest and died.

Ashley called back the spear to his right hand as he killed Skoll by decapitating his head and just as his attack finished Poseidon took advantage of the opening and appeared behind Ashley attacking his open back again and stabbing Ashley on his back.


But the attack was blocked again as Ashley was knocked back and Poseidon dashed towards Ashley as he jabbed Ashley with his spear continuously leaving after images of the spear. Each stab had more power than the last one and the number of after images grew.


Ashley moved his spears faster to match the god in front of him.

Ashley parried the attacks with his spears as small wounds started to appear on both of them. The Fenrir swopped in from the side to slash at Ashley with his claws as Ashley was fighting with Poseidon whose attacks only got faster with time.


Ashley blocked the attack but he was pushed back by Poseidon who hit his right flank with the tail of his trident.

"GAH," Ashley groaned as he flew in the air after being hit.

'Don't be impatient; a mistake here can get you killed. Your body is still that of a human.' The voice in his head warned him.

'…' Ashley didn't answer back as he blocked the trident that was coming to his face and parried the claws of Fenrir.

He knocked the trident away as he stabbed toward Poseidon's chest at a fast pace causing him to jump back. And Ashley looked towards Fenrir who was inhaling a large amount of air and blasted it towards him along with lances that were made of ice the breath froze the ground and everything it touched.

"TCH," Ashley clicked his tongue as he moved towards Fenrir while dodging the ice lances as he made his way towards Fenrir who used more mana to increase the number of lances and increase the intensity of the breath.


Ashley made his way towards Fenrir while knocking down all the lances with his spears as he reached near Fenrir in an instant.

"[Gáe Bolg: Piercing Crimson Lance]" Ashley said as he thrust the red spear straight into the chest of Fenrir as a red beam appeared from the tip of the spear and pierced him leaving a large hole as big as a train tunnel in Fenrir's chest killing him as Fenrir's eyes lost its light and it fell on the ground.



The body of Fenrir fell to the ground and kicked up snow as his lifeless body lay there on the ground.

"HAH* HAH* HAH*" Ashley breathed a bit heavily as he retracted his spear and as he was about to turn around.

"[The Spear That Parts The Seas]" Poseidon spoke as he appeared on Ashley's right side and stabbed his trident which was glowing in blue light at a great speed that was too fast for Ashley to react as the trident was in front of his stomach.

'When di- ACK' Ashley's thoughts were cut short.





Ashley's moved his spear into the way of the trident but the attack didn't stop and pierced his stomach as it pinned Ashley's spear on his stomach, The trident pierced through his body as Poseidon slammed Ashley to the ground with his trident still inside Ashley as the ground cracked and broke apart in the area of a few hundred kilometers. If it wasn't for the spear that blocked the trident Ashley would've been cut in two.

"GAH," Ashley groaned while bleeding from the wound on his stomach as he looked at the indifferent eyes of Poseidon who was looking down on him.

"You aren't Scathach. You are no fun to fight with." The sea god expressed his disdain for Ashley.

"Is that so," Ashley said as he reached out his fingers towards Poseidon who was smirking at this but then Ashley pointed his fingers towards the left.

"---SEIDON, POSEIDON GET OUT OF THERE." Poseidon heard Loki's voice as he looked towards the direction where Ashley was pointing to see Ashley looking at him with those blue eyes. He wanted to move out of the range of that spear but it was too late already.

"[Gáe Bolg Alternative: Soaring Spear of Piercing Death]" Ashley said as he appeared in front of Poseidon leaving red trails behind piercing him with his first spear knocking him backward and then Poseidon was suspended in the air.


"ACK, GAH." Poseidon coughed blood from his mouth as his body wouldn't move no matter what he did it was like he was stuck in space nailed by the spear.

Then he saw Ashley throw his second spear at him with his full strength as the spear traveled leaving behind a massive red trail and Poseidon saw his approaching death as time moved slowly.




The spear pierced Poseidon's core and destroyed his body killing him on the spot as a large explosion shook the land.

Ashley breathed heavily as his hand was bleeding as the bones in his fingers broke and he looked up to see that everyone was killed except for Loki who he needed to get the information from.

Ashley who was healing his body suddenly ducked.


A sword passed through where he was who else can it be other than Loki. Ashley turned kicking Loki in the stomach launching her like a cannonball.

"ACK," Loki coughed blood from her mouth as her body rolled on the ground several times before smashing into the mountain.


"GAH," Loki screamed as she fell to the ground and she wasn't able to move. She knew it better than anyone that she isn't someone who can fight. The only reason she was here was that she was confident in killing Scathach's last disciple with her offspring and the two gods from Olympus.

'But it didn't go as planned, who would've thought that this guy would be a bigger threat than Scathach herself. He even sealed my magic and powers with the rune he imprinted on my body with that kick, I can't even escape now.' Loki thought as she struggled to stand up.

Ashley approached her after he healed himself.