
"I will leave if there is nothing else," Grayfia said as she walked towards the door.

"I was serious when I said that, sleep in this bed," Apophis smiled.

"Unless My master asks me to himself, I can't make such decisions on my own or on anyone else's orders," Grayfia answered flatly.

"You've done it once before, Why not again?" Apophis raised her eyebrow at Grayfia.

"...That was an accident," Grayfia coughed trying to keep a straight face.

"You can say it was an accident this time as well, You know he won't say anything about it if you make that excuse," Apophis smirked, she knew how Yuuya would react perfectly.

"…I can't do something like that intentionally, The last time was indeed an accident," Grayfia knew that Yuuya really won't pursue the matter and really wouldn't care about it as well.

But that was the point, she didn't want to lie to him and…

'This is complicated,' Grayfia didn't like the fact that Yuuya wouldn't care about sleeping in the same bed with her if she lied, in reality, she shouldn't have such thoughts in the first place.

"You truly are loyal to your master, So I have a question for you, Would you leave if he asks you to stop serving as his maid?" Apophis asked and she saw Grayfia's eyes widen a little before they went back to normal.

"If my master really asks me to leave in case I am a burden to him, I would try to improve the part I am lacking, and if I can't do anything about it. I'll end my life after that, since I can't be useful to him," Grayfia said without wavering a little.

"I see, have a good night," Apophis said as Grayfia bowed and left the room.

"That girl has no chill," Apophis sighed, since not even once did Grayfia ask 'What if my master's judgment was incorrect?' her mentality was on the path of 'if my master said I have a flaw then that means I have one.'

'You have another crazy chick on your hands,' Apophis laughed as she lay down beside Yuuya hugging him.

"Your luck with women is shit as usual," Apophis muttered with a smile running her fingers through Yuuya's hair as he slept, the lights in the room were turned off and she went to sleep.


"Is this really breakfast?" Marin shouted in amazement while looking at the table.

There were pancakes, waffles, quinoa full of mixed nuts and honey, freshly baked croissants, Danish pastries, and muffins.

"Why is there only sweet stuff here? I am not really complaining since they all look Yum~," Marin looked at Grayfia who placed a plate in front of her.

"I will be getting the meat and seafood dishes out next," Grayfia said as she walked back to the kitchen, Marin looked amazed while looking at the table.

"Wow! This smoked Salmon is so difffferent then mine, isn't this like too good, I can't believe I can eat this," Marin was taking pictures of the food with a smile. Grayfia's tasted as good as it looked on a plate, unlike Yuuya who didn't seem to care for plating, but his food was delicious.

"…It is too early in the morning for this, keep your voice down," Yuuya said flatly but it looked quite cute to Marin since there was maple syrup on his lips.

"It is nearly midday, what do you mean early morning?" Marin sighed as she saw Yuuya side-eye her while eating. His eyes were saying 'It is morning for me,'

'Now I can see why the sweet stuff came first,' Marin smiled looking at Yuuya eating the pastries and pancakes.

"Please enjoy your breakfast," Grayfia said as she placed all of the dishes made of eggs, pork, salmon, and oysters on the table.

"Thank you for the Food," Marin was the most excited food, so much so that she forgot the main reason she came here in the first place.

"Mhm~ The Oysters are sho good~, like Su~~per Good," Marin smiled heartily while eating.

"People either like oysters or they don't like it, There is no in-between for these fellows," Apophis said while eating smoked salmon.

"Yeah, I fricking love them but my friends don't like it, so I usually just eat em alone," Marin was eating quickly trying out the different dishes.

Yuuya was already on his second plate of pancakes after finishing the quinoa, he didn't join in the conversation and continued to eat, Marin was the same she was lost in the tasty food and the breakfast continued in silence.

"That was surely the best breakfast of my life," Marin sighed as she leaned back into the sofa inside the living room.

Yuuya was sitting down on a single-person sofa having some herbal tea in silence.

"Breakfast here is always like this," Apophis said with a smug smile like she was the one who made it.

"Waah~ that's like so cool, I mean are you kidding me? To eat breakfast like this every day? Sounds like my dream," Marin laughed as she was a bit shocked.

'Is Yuuya like Kaori?' Marin wondered as she hadn't noticed this the last time she came, she was too focused on the fact that she can become her beloved 'Shizuku-tan' and didn't look at anything else.

And even currently she was mildly distracted by Hati who was sitting in Yuuya's lap purring as the latter pats his head.

"I adopted her a few days back," Marin looked up at Yuuya as she heard the words.

"I was just about to ask that, I mean she is killer cute, ain't she?" Marin looked at Hati.

'Looks like she doesn't like me,' Marin thought since Hati was growling slowly looking in her direction.

"Looks like she doesn't like you Marin-chan," Apophis laughed.

"I try my best to change that," Marin really wanted to hold Hati in her hands and take pictures, but she knew it would take some time to get close to the pup.

"Well, it is good you came today," Yuuya said after placing his teacup on the table.

"Hmm? Yuuya do you secretly enjoy being pestered by me? I didn't know you had a Tsun-Tsun side, That's like so cute, The gap is legit killin' me," Marin grinned since Yuuya was so against her coming today.

"...The costume is completed," Yuuya said pausing Marin in place.

"Wai-What? For real?" Marin jumped onto her feet as she looked at Yuuya with intense eyes.

"I was about to call you to try it on in case you didn't come, looks like I didn't need to worry," Yuuya said as Marin got close to him placing her hands on the handrest of the sofa he was sitting on.

"I see, you want to check it immediately, Let's go then," Yuuya said as Marin jumped again.

"Yay, Let's go," Marin ran to the door and quickly opened it.

"That is the wrong way," Yuuya said as Marin was running in the opposite direction to the room where the costume was kept.

"Haha, I am just too excited," Marin laughed while rubbing the back of her head.

Yuuya didn't bother with that and they walked towards his grandfather's room with Grayfia walking just behind them. He opened the door with an excited Marin who was acting like a child but she stopped when she saw the dress.

"Marin-san?" Grayfia asked as Marin was standing like a statue in place.

"Woah~ This is real? Yuuya tell me this is Real, I can't believe it," Marin suddenly jolted and shouted circling around the dress. The dress was just too good, it is like this was the dress Shizuku wore herself in the game.

"You can touch it to see if it is," Yuuya said.

"What? No way I can't, This has to be a dream, it will vanish if I touch it," Marin moved a bit back too scared to touch the dress.

"Ah, Yuuya stop don't end my dream, Nooooo-" Marin screamed as Yuuya pulled her hand and placed it on the dress displayed by a mannequin.

"I am wearing this now," Marin said as she removed her Denim jacket leaving the black crop top and high-waisted black shorts. Then she removed the black crop top with only a purple bra.

"Marin-san Master is still," Grayfia panicked a bit but found out that Yuuya had left the room as if he knew this would happen.

"Grayfia can you help me with the dress, please?" Marin looked like she didn't even hear what Grayfia said.

"…Sure," Grayfia sighed while looking at Marin who put on the stocking and garter belt. It would be a bit hard for her to wear the dress alone, so Grayfia helped her since the dress was just a modern twist on an old-fashioned maid uniform.

Yuuya was standing outside the door waiting for Marin to get dressed, since Grayfia was in there it should've been faster and he was correct as ten minutes later the door opened.

"Master Marin-san has changed into the dress," Grayfia was the one who opened it.


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