
"Kaori how long are you going to stand for? Let's sit down," Marin pulled Kaori to sit down next to her as she seemed a bit out of it.

"It is nice you meet you again, Yuuya-san," Kaori greeted Yuuya who nodded.

"It is nice to meet you as well Apophis-san," Kaori turned to greet Apophis.

"It is our pleasure Kaori-chan, though I am quite sorry to trouble you with such matters," Apophis said.

"There is no need to feel sorry, other students have already gotten their school uniforms and it would be easier for me to get the uniform without getting things more complicated," Kaori answered with a smile.

"My, what a lovely lady," Apophis smiled.

"You have my gratitude for this," Yuuya was of course thankful that he didn't need to go and get the uniform himself.

"Mine as well," Grayfia also bowed slightly as she also got her uniform.

"There is no need for that Yuuya-san and Grayfia-san, I am thankful I could be of help," Kaori was still grateful to Yuuya for saving her back then.

"I'll check the uniform later," Yuuya said as Kaori nodded, Grayfia also had the same thought as she was working as a maid currently.

"Wait! Wait! Yuuya and Grayfia are coming to our school?" It took Marin some time to figure out what was going on, which was the reason she was silent, she was trying to piece things together and it seems like she understood what was going on.

"…Yes," Yuuya answered in his usual tone, Grayfia just nodded without saying anything further.

'Why didn't you tell me?' That was what Marin's face said as she pouted unhappily.

Apophis smiled seeing Yuuya ignore Marin as he was eating the macrons which Kaori brought as a visiting gift.

"Anyway since you are joining, as your senior I'll show you around the school," Marin seemed to have gotten over the fact that she didn't know about this quite fast.

"We're both first years," Yuuya said flatly.

"Nu-uh I have studied there since middle school so I am indeed your senior, Hierarchy, and stuff are totes important," Marin said with a grin like she had Yuuya trapped now.

"I see," Yuuya said with an unenthusiastic look while Marin was grinning to herself.

'Now I can see him more often, hehehe~,' One of the reasons Marin couldn't sleep much last night was that she thought that she won't be seeing Yuuya so often since the school was starting in a few days.

They both went to different schools and she was mostly busy with her part-time job as well. Even though Marin knew that she would meet Yuuya during the time she wants to do cosplay or she could come and hang out sometimes.

Somehow that wasn't enough, she wanted to see him more often. Not just for cosplay or visiting to eat food. She wanted to visit him for no reason, just to see him like today.

'I am so crushing over him right now~~!' Marin was once again lost in her thought but she was quickly pulled out of them by Kaori.

"Marin I saw the photos you posted," Kaori was sent the link to Marin's cosplay account by the latter herself. And since Kaori had heard that Yuuya had made the dress so she checked it out of curiosity.

"Weren't they awesome? It is like Shizuka-tan herself came out of the game," Marin switched gears very quickly, it was a known fact to everyone present in the room.

"Yes it really matched it, at first I couldn't believe it was you," Kaori was of course surprised since Marin looked like a completely different person altogether.

"Yeah, I was just channeling my inner Shizuka-tan, anyway look at this, at first I had a really hard time keeping a straight face," Marin showed Kaori some of the earlier photos where she was grinning and posing like her usual self. She took them as well since she really liked them.

"Yeah, now I can see it really is you," Kaori couldn't help but laugh as she could now clearly see that it was Marin even with the make-up and wig.

"It was only after Grayfia helped me that I could do it properly," Marin laughed since it was something she couldn't help, the happy grin on her face was instinctive and it couldn't be stopped.

"I didn't really help much since Marin-san seemed used to this type of thing," Grayfia was speaking the truth as Marin quickly picked up what she said and implemented it.

"Even then Thanks since I don't think I'd be able to do it this good without your help," Marin smiled as Grayfia nodded, To Marin that little help did have a lot of weight since it made her feel closer to Shizuka-tan.

"Also the outfit itself was really good, Yuuya-san do you really only do this as a hobby?" Kaori addressed Yuuya since she was too shocked by the quality of the outfit Marin wore, and this was only after looking at it from the phone and not seeing it with her own eyes. She could see how perfectly the dress was made to fit Marin.

"Yes, it is only a hobby," Yuuya answered flatly. The reason he actually learned sewing was quite different but there was no need to talk about it.

Yuuya caught Apophis looking at him with a smile but he chose to ignore it and took another sip of his tea, the new tea leaves were indeed quite good or grayfia's tea brewing skills seemed to have improved or it could be both.

'The dress was very well made, but if there were some blood splatters or splashes on it, it would've looked much better as the gothic design would become more prominent,' Francesca was nodding imagining such a variant of the dress in her mind.

"I see," Kaori smiled simply looking back at Marin who was going on and on about the cosplay event. And as they reached the part with Isamu, Kaori seemed to remember something important.

"Ah, Does Yuuya-san know about this photo being on the internet?" Yuuya tilted his head slightly not understanding what Kaori was talking about.

"I believe milady is talking about Yuuya-sama's photo with the little girl that Marin-sama is calling Isamu, It is currently quite a trending topic on various images sharing websites," Francesca explained what Kaori meant and it became even more confusing.

"It seems that Yuuya-san didn't know?" Kaori covered her mouth with her hand as she spoke in a troubled voice.

"What are you talking about Kaori and Fresca?" Marin was also perplexed about how the two knew about the photo.

"I think it would be better to show everyone what we are talking about," Francesca turned on the tablet she was carrying and tapped on it a few times before showing it to everyone.

"Oh, That's Isa-chan with Yuuya, She is so cute~!" Marin recognized the photos that were shown, it was the photos she had shown Yuuya.

Not all of them but the good ones where Yuuya and Isamu were talking or eating, of course, there was the photo of Yuuya smiling and also the one where Isamu tried to copy his straight face.

And the photos seemed to be super popular on the internet, getting over 100,000 likes and thousands of comments, many netizens were swooning over how cute Isamu was, and many females were taken away by Yuuya's smile and mature vibe. Many claimed to have seen the two at Ueno park and talked about how cute the two looked in real life.

"This is a new account only made yesterday and we couldn't really find out much about it or the person behind it," Kaori said as those photos were the only posts made by that account, and even when she asked Francesca to investigate the matter thinking if this was a work of a stalker or something, but she drew a blank.

"Who would've done this? The ones who took the photo said that they won't post it," Marin was also shocked as this was a surprise to her.

"This is why you do not trust strangers easily," Yuuya said flatly looking at Marin with a reproachful gaze.

"Y-Yes, I get it, stop looking at me like that," Marin understood why Yuuya was telling her that and that made the gaze sting her even more.

"Marin, are you ok? Your face is fully red," Kaori asked in worry.

"I-I am fine, nothing to worry, Imma head to the bathroom real quick," Marin waved her hand as she ran out of the room in a hurry.


200 powerstones to go,