On A Bus

"Also I am fine as long as he doesn't punch me in the face," Apophis suddenly opened her eyes as her previous mood went out of the window.

"Huh?" Even Grayfia was shocked both by what she had seen and what she just heard.

"Master? Punch?" Grayfia asked in confusion.

"Yeah, if he doesn't like someone, he punches them, especially women, that is why I am sure that he won't really punch me," Apophis said with full confidence.

"But didn't Apophis-san say that master punches people he doesn't like?" Grayfia wasn't sure why Apophis thinks she would be an exception to it.

But Grayfia was curious about it, Why? Because she also wanted to know how to avoid such a situation from happening to herself, she simply didn't want to be hated by her Master

'Knowing what displeases my master and making sure it doesn't happen, is my duty as a maid,' Grayfia just wanted to do better as Yuuya's Maid.

"That is because Ash has only punched a woman out of hate twice, and it didn't end well both times," Apophis smiled as Grayfia blinked in confusion.

'My question still hasn't been answered,' Grayfia sighed as she saw Apophis's mischievous smile.

"I would answer your question if you come with me," Apophis was still trying to entice Grayfia. This really made Grayfia wonder, Who was the devil here?

Grayfia just left the living room wordlessly as she knew she won't be able to get an answer from Apophis, so her best bet now was…

'Just don't do anything that will make Master hate me,' Grayfia said those words to herself in her mind over and over again. Even though it didn't help her get an answer at least she knew the end result she wanted to avoid.

Leave getting punched aside, she didn't even want to be hated by Yuuya, not even a little. Since a maid that is hated by her master is a Failed Maid. That is what Grayfia believed.

In the other world,

"Achoo, Eh? Is ash thinking about me?" Eleanor Elshire looked really happy because of what she just believed to be true.

"Ufufufu, he just can't live without me, can he?" Eleanor laughed elegantly with a not-so-elegant look on her face.



Eleanor was brought out of her thoughts by the muffled sounds making her look over to see a rabbit and a woman bound and gagged by vines looking at her in fear.

"Wait for me, I'll be coming to meet you soon, right after I take care of these troublesome children," Eleanor smiled sweetly making the ones she was looking at shudder as they did not know what horrors awaited them in the coming days.


Yuuya on the other hand had quite peaceful days even with Marin coming over for absolutely no reason, but he didn't mind as long as she didn't pester him continuously.

And what followed those peaceful days, was a day he didn't want to come, but he couldn't avoid it.

"Have fun on your first day at school," Apophis was seeing Yuuya off with a sweet smile.

'You are having more fun here, aren't you?' Yuuya blankly looked at Apophis but left without saying anything further.

Yuuya looked at himself, dressed in a white coat with a half-black and half-blue collar over a black dress-up shirt with a light blue tie, the coat had a checkered pattern of black and blue lines halfway up the sides and back with a gray base.

The pants were also white with black shoes on his feet. The fitting on the uniform was ok as he hadn't really tinkered with it. He had a bag in which he kept his textbooks and other stuff he'll need.

'This seems a bit off,' Yuuya thought holding the bag.

Apophis was still looking at him with the same gaze as before. 'The offer is still up,' This is what the look on her face was conveying. And of course, Yuuya wasn't going to fall for that ...…as tempting as it was he had made up his mind.

'Grayfia also left early,' Yuuya thought as he went to the Akasaka station alone, Grayfia had to take care of a lot of things because it was her first day.

Yes, he needed to take a train, In fact, he needed to change trains once in between to change lines. From Akasaka to Otemachi station on Chiyoda Line and then from Otemachi to Toyocho station on Tozai line before arriving in Koto ward.

'The school is a bit too far,' Yuuya sighed as he was currently sitting on a bus that was going to take him to the school.

It would him 30 to 35 minutes daily to reach school from his house in the Minato ward. And of course, he didn't like this one bit.

The school itself was south off the coast of Koto ward on a man-made island together with another school.

'To think the top two schools of japan are right next to each other,' Yuuya didn't really pay it any attention before, just like how he didn't notice the distance between his house and the school.

But now that he was seeing the students from the second school on the same bus he seemed to understand what was going on.

Yuuya could see some of the students wearing the same uniform as him on the bus with girls wearing white skirts with black outlines rather than pants.

And he could also see some kids wearing a different uniform, a white dress shirt beneath a red button-up blazer, paired with dull green pants, brown shoes, and a burgundy tie. Of course, the girls were wearing white skirts.

These students were from Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School. Just like Ousei Academy this school was also considered the best school in japan.

But that was where the similarities between the two schools end, since aside from that part the two schools were very different from one another.

'The bus is getting congested,' Yuuya thought as the bus stopped and few people climbed in, since it was early in the morning there were still people who wanted to get to work along with the students who wanted to reach their schools.

And this is where Yuuya's little peace was destroyed by an argument that broke out right in front of him.

"Don't you think you should give up your seat?" Yuuya looked up seeing a young office lady talking to a blonde guy wearing the uniform of the Advanced Nurturing High School.

And from the pompous look on this guy's face, Yuuya knew this isn't going to end well.

"Why would I do that?" The blonde guy asked as he crossed his arms.

The old lady who had trouble standing or a well-built guy man, Everyone would say that the old lady needs the seat more. But it seemed like the young man had different thoughts about this matter.

"It is because you are sitting in a priority seat, And isn't it a given that you should be considerate to the lady here?" The office seemed to get irritated by the answer, but it didnt stop there.

"I don't see your reason," The guy seemed more absorbed in checking his reflection in the handheld mirror than talking with the fuming office lady.

'This is only going to get bigger,' Yuuya sighed as he saw a girl who was wearing the same uniform as the boy was about to join in the discussion as well.

Yuuya could see that everyone on the bus could listen to the little commotion, but they weren't doing anything, Even though this problem can be solved with little to no effort.

"You can use my seat," The office lady who was about to lash out at the blonde turned to see Yuuya raising his hand.

"Ah, y-yes, thank you very much," The office lady helped the old lady sit down on Yuuya's seat after he stood up. she was caught off guard when he offered his seat, even though she was mad at the blonde guy, her main objective was to get the old lady a seat

"Thank you," The old lady also thanked Yuuya and he just nodded with the same flat look.

'I need to tell Apophis to get a car and drive me to school,' The only reason Yuuya intervened was that he didn't really want to hear them bicker, he could see that it would only get heated since the blonde guy had no intentions of handing over the seat and on the other hand, The office lady and the girl who was about to join in didn't look like people who would give up easily.

"Really, Thank you for doing that," But it seemed like Yuuya just couldn't stay in silence today as the girl who was about to intervene before thanked him with a smile.

"It was nothing,"


600 powerstones to go,