Are You Happy Or Sad?

"This tastes just like convenience store riceball," Marin looked disappointed.

"It is a convenience store riceball," Yuuya stated flatly while eating a tuna mayo riceball. He didn't know what Marin expected from this.

"I thought it would be special," Marin said as she has been looking forward to looking around this area since Middle school.

Only Middle schoolers who lived in the dorms were allowed in there, So, Marin wasn't able to come here since she still lived at her house along with her dad, which made her even more curious about this place. Her father barely managed to stop her from moving into the dorms just for this.

"It is too early to be disappointed, Onwards to the Mall we go," Marin quickly recovered as they made their way towards the mall after finishing up the snacks.

There were students from the Advanced Nurturing high school roaming about as well as students from Ousei Academy. And a lot of them were staring at the three as they passed by.

"The mall was also the same as the normal one," Grayfia said as she looked at Marin who had a lifeless look on her face.

"I've been hoodwinked, bamboozled, run amok, led astray, and flat-out deceived," Marin laughed hollowly while sitting down in a café.

'What were you expecting in the first place?' Yuuya couldn't understand why Marin was like this, they were finally at the place he wanted to see.

Pallet café, this was talked about a lot on the school forum so he wanted to try it out. This café had its own building and was quite big, it served various drinks and confections for the students.

Yuuya, Grayfia, and Marin were sitting by the window; The café was full of students from both schools who had come to try out the shop. And pretty much everyone was paying attention to their table, but the three weren't paying any heed to them.

"Our orders are ready," Grayfia brought the trays which had their orders on the table making Marin look up.

"Ah, Grayfia you should've told me," Marin wanted to help carry the trays but…

"It isn't a big deal Marin-san," Grayfia shook her head, there was no way she'd let Yuuya get the order himself and Marin was too busy wallowing so she got it herself.

"Umm, This is great," Marin seemed to forget her previous complaints as she had the Macha parfait. At least this shop was as good as it was described to be.

"What do you think Yuuya?" Marin looked at Yuuya proudly like she wanted some praise since she found such a good place.

"It is ok," Yuuya said after taking a bite of the fluffy pancake, he also had a black coffee on the side and it was also ok for him.

"Maybe they aren't really good with pancakes? Here try this parfait it is totes the best one I've had," Marin tapped her before offering Yuuya a spoonful of her parfait.

Yuuya stared at her silently as Marin blinked before a look of realization dawned on her.

"Yuuya, Don't tell me you are shy because you think it will be an indirect kiss? You're so innocent," Marin grinned impishly looking at Yuuya who stared at her blankly.

Wanting to tease Yuuya more, Marin moved her spoon a bit further bringing it in front of his lips or so was her plan because Yuuya took the spoon in his mouth and ate the parfait.

"It's ok," Yuuya said before focusing on his pancakes again.

But Marin on the other hand was stunned, she blinked repeatedly while looking between Yuuya's lips and the spoon in her hand like an idiot.

"What happened Marin?" Yuuya asked looking up at Marin after a minute.

"N-nothin," Marin was jolted out of her thoughts so fast that she took a spoonful of her parfait quickly only realizing what she had done afterward.


Marin's head hit the table, good think no drinks spilled over since it was very light.

"Marin-san, What happened?" Grayfia was also brought out of her shocked state by the sound and asked in worry.

"Yep it is too delicious~~," Marin's voice was heard by Grayfia and she couldn't help but look dumbfounded.

'Her ears ...are fully red,' Grayfia could see Marin's blush as she was sitting close to her.

'Well, I can't blame her, I would …Yeah let's not think about it,' Grayfia stopped herself before her thoughts get any weirder.

The people around their table didn't know what to say other than…

'We didn't know there was a K-drama being shot here, Where are the cameras?'

This scene was too much for them, to the point that they didn't want to believe that it was real. The girls found it way too cute and lovely.

While the boys were envious and some were even cheering Yuuya on since he was sitting with two beautiful girls.

Anyway, leaving the surroundings aside, Yuuya, Grayfia, and Marin left the café after they finished eating.

Yuuya still had his straight face like nothing changed, Grayfia was the same as usual on the outside, and Marin seemed like she had just won the biggest lottery in the world.

"Hmm~ Mhm~" Marin was humming as she was practically jumping instead of walking on, that's how much of a jump there was in her steps.

She seemed to have left her disappointment behind, rather she looked a lot happier from the time she came here.

They were now on their way to the school gate since it was time for Apophis to come and pick them up from school.

"Oh, Marin-chan looks so full of life, Did you have fun today?" Apophis laughed as soon as seeing Marin and asked her a question.

"Yup, It was a blast," Marin smiled brightly sitting in the back.

"I see, That's good," Apophis looked at Grayfia and Yuuya with a sly smile as both of them didn't say anything while Marin kept on talking about how much fun she had during the time they looked around.

This was certainly surprising since Marin was the most dejected about the commercial area, Well that was only till the incident in the café.

'Well, whatever at least the café was ok,' Yuuya thought as they made their way home.

Marin went back home after having dinner at Yuuya's house like it was the most natural thing to do. It had kind of become natural to Marin and everyone at Yuuya's house as well.

After which Yuuya just went to sleep since he was more tired than usual today.

The next morning, Yuuya was eating pancakes for breakfast after taking a bath. This was when Apophis who was watching him eat asked a sudden question.

"Ash, I heard you had the pancakes at Pallet café," Apophis asked as Yuuya finished the pancakes on his plate.

Yuuya nodded not understanding where Apophis was going with this.

"So, which one would prefer the one Grayfia makes or the one in the café?" Apophis asked with a grin making Grayfia stop in place as she was piling up the plates to take them back to the kitchen, she didn't know why Apophis was asking this but she didn't like this question.

"That is a stupid question, Grayfia can get some more?" Yuuya turned his head toward Grayfia and asked.

"...Yes, Master have as much as you want," Grayfia smiled as she took the empty plate in front of Yuuya and went into the kitchen to prepare more pancakes for Yuuya.

"I see, that does seem like a stupid question," Apophis smiled resting her head on her hand and looking at Yuuya.

A few minutes later,

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Yuuya finally asked since Apophis has been staring at him for a while now, this usually meant...

'What is she planning?' Yuuya thought while waiting for Apophis's answer.

"Nothing, I am just following my instincts, It is quite fun, you totally try it sometimes," Apophis smiled and Yuuya looked at her with his blank face.

"I'll pass," Yuuya said flatly as Grayfia came into the back with a plate of fluffy pancakes.

"Do you not have an appetite anymore, Master?" Grayfia asked as she heard those words, Apophis could see the small disappointment in Grayfia's eyes.

'Was I not fast enough?' Grayfia was having hundreds of thoughts about how she had failed her task and what would happen afterward, But…

"I was talking to Apophis, I'll have this," Yuuya said looking back at Grayfia.

"Would you like a refill on the coffee as well, Master?" Grayfia quickly placed the plate in front of Yuuya and saw his coffee mug was empty.

"Mhm," Yuuya nodded while taking a bite of the pancakes, they were good as always.

Grayfia took the cup and came back from the kitchen in a flash with a full mug of coffee.

'Now now, Ain't she happy?' Apophis saw the small smile on Grayfia's lips as she stood behind Yuuya.

'Well, both of them are very similar to each other,' Apophis smiled looking at Yuuya and Grayfia.

The peaceful atmosphere was very pleasing as they sat down in their places carrying out their normal days.

But, in the other world on the other side of the door.


Hands on the grounds and knees on your head,

I am here to rob your powerstones,