Full Bloom?

"Hmm, Seems like that," Eleanor said with closed eyes it was as if she could see what Argena was talking about, and truth be told she was able to see everything that was mentioned.

[…That never ceases to amaze me,] Argena couldn't help but sigh.

"This is nothing, the ground is my territory after all," Eleanor said offhandedly with her eyes still closed, she raised the index finger of her right hand and started to write in the air leaving golden alphabets in an unknown language forming a single word.

No one here was able to read it but the word she wrote was 'Displacement'.

The word floated down and sunk into the floor slowly going deeper into the earth before it glowed brightly expanding in all directions and trying to break out of the land like plants.

On that day, The planet of Argena was set alight by the beautiful sunflowers that grew all over the land shining so brightly that it almost blinding.

But too bad that no living creature would ever remember this sight since it wasn't meant for them.

"The monsters are now back where they should be and I've taken care of the humans as well," Eleanor opened her eyes after she checked that things were fine, and even the people in Alceria kingdom started to move as if they had forgotten the terrible sensation they felt before.

[…] Argena didn't feel like saying anything as there was no point in doing that, She could try to give Eleanor a sermon about what she did, But she knew that…

'She wouldn't hear any of it,' Eleanor was the type of person who would only hear what she wants to and would disregard everything else.

"You said that you felt an energy similar to the Evil from him right?" Eleanor turned to the Kick saint.

"…Yes," The Kick saint could only nod. It looked like Eleanor was over her anger currently, she had a really volatile reaction to this a bit ago. But now she seemed a lot more in control so he could state his thoughts.

"Is it really that way?" Iris asked since this was important, like really important.

"If only it was something that simple," Eleanor muttered almost inaudibly much to the other's confusion.

'Did she just call evil, the most dangerous beings that are out to destroy the world ….easy?' Iris and the Kick Saint were unable to understand this since they were barely able to combat the Evil right now.

But can they tell Eleanor that she was wrong? No, they can't since they know what she was capable of.

"…Nothing, also why are you still on the ground?" Eleanor looked at the kick saint since he was the only one who was flat on the ground, the others have stood up a little while ago.

They of course remembered what happened since Eleanor didn't want them to forget about it. But they were keeping quiet about it since it was too terrifying.

"I...can't use my legs," No matter how much he tried the kick saint couldn't move his legs even though they weren't broken, truth be told he couldn't even feel his legs.

"Your soul just cracked a little, tch, you are being so dramatic about it," Eleanor didn't like the kick saint even more.

'Weren't you the one who did that to him?' Argena thought as she could see Eleanor was doing this on purpose.

"To misidentify someone as Evil and unable to handle a little injury to the soul, How has the Holy faction become so weak while I wasn't looking?" Eleanor said while healing the Kick saint and also giving him damage simultaneously.

'Wait, no, I need to get out of here,' Iris felt a chill down her spine as Eleanor stood up.

"I have decided ...you two are coming with me for special training …You can try to run, but be prepared to never use your legs again," Eleanor spoke making Iris freeze as she was getting ready to run.

"B-But…" Iris was about to say more but Eleanor cut her off.

"No need to worry, I am very proficient in Healing, it won't be a problem even if you die, in this world I can bring you back even if there is only a shard of your soul left,"

'I wasn't talking about that!!' Iris shouted in her mind as Two branches came out of Eleanor's sleeves grabbing Iris and the Kick Saint grabbing them by their necks so that they can't run.

Why would they run? Anyone would think of running if they heard what Eleanor said.

But they couldn't since the grip of death was already upon them.

'Am I really going to die alone ...…without being able to get a husband?' Iris looked like she had given up on life itself.

Eleanor quickly left the Alceria Kingdom just like how she arrived going to an undisclosed location.

[Eleanor ….Wouldn't it be better to go and meet this friend of yours?] Argena tried to change the topic. she really had no intentions of losing two combatants on the Holy side as currently they are in a really bad spot.

"Do you think I don't want to do that? …..But, I can't go there in my current state, I'll need to do a lot of preparations, I'll need to get in my best shape unless ...I need to get a new dress … skin care …and a lot of other things like preparing some medicine in advance," As much as Eleanor wanted to rush and meet Yuuya, she had a lot of things to do before that.

[Why would you ….need medicine before meeting him?] Argena was completely lost at what Eleanor was talking about.

"Oh, that is the most important part, But before that, I need to teach these shits some manners," Eleanor's previous happy countenance changed into a cold one as she looked at the two saints who couldn't do anything.

[What are you going to do with them?] Argena asked.

"I am going to tortur-Ahem* re-educate them," Eleanor coughed once as she spoke elegantly like a noble lady.

[You know I heard what you said,] Argena spoke but Eleanor just ignored it humming to herself, one didn't know if she was humming because she would be meeting Yuuya soon or because she was happy that she would be torturing Iris and the Kick saint.

Nonetheless, it was terrifying for the two, and as one would expect they went through hell for the next 2 weeks before Eleanor tossed them back in the audience room of Alceria's royal castle randomly like they were abandoned puppies, Correction, Dead looking abandoned puppies with a sprinkle of malnutrition.

"Time to start preparing myself for the big event~~," Eleanor was currently back in Elshire near the world tree running around happily.

She was a bit too happy since there were a lot of things she wanted to do now. And because of this, a phenomenon was seen across the country of Elshire.

"It looks like the Queen is in a great mood now," A flower shop owner muttered looking at his garden.

All of the flowers that were planted in the ground were in full bloom. It didn't matter whether they were in season or not, it didn't matter if it was a flower that only bloomed at night, and it didn't matter what the condition of the flower was...

In the entire country of Elshire, every single flower bloomed at the same time, brighter than ever before.

And every resident of the country could tell ...their ruler was really happy. They didn't know the reason but it was alright, they wished for her to be happy forever.

Now onto the reason, she is happy and full of life.

"Yuuya come on we need to go to the club fair," Marin pulled Yuuya out of his seat since he didn't look like he had any plans on moving anytime soon.

"Look at them go," Rin smirked seeing Yuuya being pulled by a hyperactive Marin once again.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Yukine asked flatly since Rin really had a packet of popcorn in her hands.

"Aren't we all?" Rin asked Yukine, Ryo, and Shingo, they could only nod.

It was a really amusing scene. And not only them, but pretty much their entire class enjoyed seeing the interactions between Marin and Yuuya since it was very pleasing to the eyes.

"Let's go before we lose them," Nowa who also had popcorn in her hands brought them back to the topic as Marin was speeding down the hallway with Yuuya, but they couldn't go too fast since there were a lot of students leaving as well.

"Damn, she is trying to get away and be alone with him, we can't allow that, we need to see to know what will happen next," Rin said as she rushed forward wanting to catch up with the two.

'Do they look like Manga characters to her?' Yukine thought as she drew a picture in her head and all she could do was nod. Yuuya and Marin did look like a couple pulled right out of some rom-com manga.

"Marin is getting crafty," Nowa was the same as Rin.