New Cosplay Confirmed?

"NO!" The reply came back immediately from Sajuna who had no interest in doing cosplay together.

"Haha, I got rejected so fast, Imma go in the corner and eat some donuts," Marin laughed and stuffed her face into the donuts she picked up from the plate in front of Yuuya.

The only reason Sajuna declined was that she only did cosplay for herself and had no intention of teaming up with other cosplayers.

The only reason she even came to meet Yuuya was because she was very impressed with his work.

"Come on let's do matching cosplays," After finishing the donut Marin asked Sajuna again which caused the latter to sigh.

"I told you no, besides this time I'll be renting a studio for this cosplay..."

"A studio I wanna come along," Marin beamed once again as she had forgotten all about the cosplay and was more interested in visiting the studio used for cosplays, but Sajuna shook her head.

"As I said, I won't do it with you," Sajuna said again but this time she got a response from a different person as Marin picked up the second donut with a sullen look.

"Then I won't do this project with you either," Yuuya said flatly.

"What?!" Both Marin and Sajuna were surprised by the sudden change.

"Why are you like this?" Sajuna's eyes twitched, this guy was just too much, wasn't he? First, he disagrees without any reason, then he agrees for a really common reason, and then he disagrees again.

Like, What is happening?

"Yuuya this is Totes bad, I don't mind being left out of this, you know? I wanna really see Juju-sama in a Black Lily cosplay," But Marin was really trying hard to persuade Yuuya otherwise, she thought he was against it because she was rejected.

Marin was bummed out by it since she wouldn't be able to do a cosplay with Sajuna but it wasn't that bad, she thought she can do one in the future.

'...I can see what he meant by that,' Sajuna sighed looking at Marin who was still talking to Yuuya who barely responded.

"We'll it," Sajuna said as she crossed her arms, her voice was very low but Marin's head turned as she definitely heard it. There was no way she wouldn't.


"I said we'll do it together ...The cosplay," Sajuna looked away and repeated it.

"For Reals?" Marin's face lit up in an instant.

"But on the condition that we split the rent for the studio ...And I owe you one," Sajuna said sternly and Marin tilted her head.

"Juju-sama owes me?" Marin didn't know what Sajuna meant by that but…

"Forget about that, if you don't want to do the cosplay then say so," Sajuna spoke quickly, she didn't want to elaborate on this further.

"Yay~!!! A cosplay with Juju-sama, Kyaa~~!!! I can't believe it, Not only did I meet her, but I am also doing a cosplay together with her? This is Totes a dream come true~~!!!" Marin was once again flying all around the living room dancing in happiness, she forgot about the thing she asked before quickly.

'She really is an idiot,' Sajuna blushed herself as it was embarrassing, she wondered how Marin was able to do this.

"So will you do it now?" Sajuna looked at Yuuya who was eating one of the last two donuts on the plate, He simply nodded while eating quickly like someone was going snatch the last donut from him.

"Your uniform," Grayfia brought Sajuna's uniform which was washed and dried since they had finished talking.

"Thank you," Sajuna left the room with Grayfia to go and change into her uniform in a different room.

"Can you tell me which character you are cosplaying?" Sajuna found Grayfia's maid uniform very neat, it has been on her since she saw her walk into the room before.

'Did he make this one as well? It is really good,' Sajuna thought while observing Grayfia's uniform.

"I am not," Grayfia answered curtly, She wondered if she didn't look like a maid. Maybe that is why she had been questioned about it a few times now.

"…You're a real maid?" Sajuna blinked and asked since from the look on Grayfia's face, she didn't look like the kind to joke around.

"Yes, so is there anything else you need help with Inui-sama?" Grayfia asked moving on from the subject.

"N-No," Sajuna shook her head, she had been to a maid café before but.

'Real maids are something else,' Sajuna thought.

"Then I'll be waiting outside," Grayfia bowed and went outside the room.

'She really acts like a proper maid,' Sajuna just now remembered that Grayfia was indeed serving tea and snacks at the table, at the time she didn't notice this, It might be because she was too preoccupied with the matter at hand that time.

'Come to think of it, this house is also quite big,' Now Sajuna started to notice a few more things one after the other because her objective was completed.

And through all of this, she reached one conclusion.

'He belongs to a rich family, that can explain a few things about him,' Sajuna thought as she remembered how there was no mention of where the cosplay costume was made in Marin's post.

And speaking of Marin…

'She's not as bad as I thought she was,' Sajuna thought while she changed into her uniform, Then she left Yuuya's house after exchanging contact info with Yuuya.

It was now finalized that they would work on the cosplay together, At least Sajuna could tell there would be no more problems.

"Ahh! The dinner was so~~~ good," Marin had a satisfied look on her face, dinner, every meal at Yuuya's house was always a treat no matter the day.

"…" Yuuya was having some herbal tea as usual while sitting on his couch.

"Hey, Yuuya have you seen the 'Fierce Flower Princess'?" Marin suddenly asked as she jumped up from her seat, it was necessary to know if Yuuya knew about the anime series the characters belonged to.

"No," Yuuya hadn't seen the anime, he knew Apophis was a while ago. But that was all.

"Oh, I think I brought the box set here, should we watch it?" Marin asked looking at Yuuya with shining eyes, she had watched the anime a few times already, but she could go for another watch.

"I don't mind," Yuuya did need to see what type of costumes he'll be making this time.

"Yay!" Marin shouted joyfully and started the TV after putting the Blu-ray disc inside the player.

They started to watch the anime with Marin exclaiming from time to time explaining things to Yuuya as the show progressed, while he was just watching it silently.

The anime had 128 episodes but they were only able to watch 10 before it was time for Marin to go home.

"I'll come by tomorrow as well," With that Marin went back home smiling without even waiting for Yuuya's response, it was a fun day.

No, according to Marin it was a super fun day. But…

'Tomorrow is going to be even better,' Marin was humming on her way back home.

After Marin left, Apophis came into the living room and snuggled close to Yuuya.

"Hey, Yuuya,"

"Hm?" Yuuya looked at her as if asking what happened.

"You're really not going to hide my wine, right?" Apophis was a bit tense when asking this question.

"What wine?" Yuuya asked as if he didn't understand what Apophis was talking about.

"Guh*" Apophis was stumped as it looked like she was a bit too late, but…

"Tch, to think you'd fall this low to have a taste of me," Apophis was getting angry on her own "But since it has come to this."

"…." Yuuya was wondering what type of one-sided play this was. But she had always been that way, or…

'Since when did she…'

"I'll let you have your way with me in exchange for a sip of the wine," Yuuya wasn't able to complete his thoughts because of what he had just heard.

"But don't you drink like 4 to 5 bottles a day?" Yuuya was perplexed by how Apophis's brain worked.

"Kuh, you've made me fall so low, I have no choice," Apophis cried out.

"Then don't drink,"

"But I wanna,"

"Then drink?"

"Then have your way with me,"

"I am just going to ignore you,"

In the end, Apophis got to have her wine after she 'talked' Grayfia into giving her some, and they reached a fair agreement regarding the deal.

Yuuya didn't know anything about it and was deep in sleep when the deal happened, he just hoped he would have a quiet Sunday.

And, he did get his wish, well partially.


Well, we didn't reach the top 10, sad.

but you guys have done great,

See you next week, Bye...