The Reason

"I won't deny that I am great, but the main reason it is this good is because the two models mesh well together," Hikari said as his eyes were still fixed on the camera.

"How?" Even Miu seemed confused by this, she had no idea about it.

"Miu you play the role of a soft and kind-hearted girlfriend and Yuuya is like a wild beast that was tamed by that kindness, that is the dynamic between you two in this shoot," Hikari explained further as he saw that most of what he said wasn't understood since Yuuya's face shows no signs of him being aggressive.

"Here look, in almost all of the shots he is looking at the camera like 'The fuck you looking at?' It is the vibe of a tamed beast that won't let any bad eyes fall on his partner, It even surprised me and I nearly turned the camera off on impulse," Hikari laughed as Miu and Marin looked at the photos.

It was really as Hikari said, they weren't able to notice it before because, It was like a hidden detail that you can't unsee once you see it.

'It is like he is staring at my soul,' Miu thought while looking at the photo, it was a feeling of oppression that was hard to explain since it felt like he was making eye contact with her through the photo.

"This is only possible because he has the same expression; such small details become easier to pick up thanks to that, As expected from myself, I know how to do things," Hikari was appreciating his own work while Marin was thinking back while looking at the photo.

'So, that is why…' Marin's thoughts were cut short as someone appeared on the set.

"Haha, I guess, I arrived a bit late," A blonde-haired young man came up to Hikari, he was the model who was supposed to do the shoot with Miu.

One could see Hikari was ready to explode because this guy showed no remorse for his actions and carefreely strolled up to Miu.

"Miu-chan, It's great that we have a shoot together, right? I am sure you were looking forward to it," The man said as Miu was having difficulty about how to explain to this guy that the shoot was already over, and he prattled on "Let's finish the shoot quickly, I'll make it up for leaving you hanging, In my room."

"Um," Miu looked like she wasn't sure what to do since this guy just kept pressing on, that was until.

"Oi, what are you doing?" Marin asked him in a chilling voice.

"Hmm? Who are you? Oh, now that look at you, You are cute," The blonde guy turned his attention to Marin whose face looked colder than ice right now.

"Hah?" Marin's glare got worse after hearing that.

"I will be a bit busy with Miu-chan tonight, So, how about I call you this weekend," The guy tried to put his arm around Marin but she sidestepped very quickly and…

"Fuck off," She kicked him in the nuts so fast he couldn't even respond.

"ARGH*" The blonde guy crumbled on the ground holding his crotch as tears came out of his eyes and snot leaked from his nose.

The guy's face was scrunched in pain as the other men on the set tried to protect their crotch on instinct. Marin's kick connected really good, just not good for the one who received it.

"Y-You fucking bitch, I'll kill you," The guy stood up with shaky legs and glared at Marin.

He had trained in boxing for a long time, so even if the pain was a lot to deal with, he was fighting through it as he wiped the tears and snot off his face.

And as he was about to throw a punch he was pulled back or more like stopped by the hand on his shoulder.

"Do we have a problem here?" The blonde-haired guy froze at the monotone voice that hit his ears from behind, he slowly turned his head to look back and found a guy over six feet tall looking at him with an expressionless face.

It was Yuuya who came back after changing his clothes.

"Hiee," A high-pitched scream escaped the blondie's mouth, but he quickly stopped after he saw Yuuya's blue eyes narrow a little.

"I asked, Do we have a problem here?" Yuuya asked again.

"N-N-No," That was all the guy could muster as he looked at Yuuya, he still didn't know how he was standing since his legs had given out a while back.

"I see," Yuuya took his hand off the blonde guy's shoulder, and the guy fell to the ground.

"Marin let's go before the crepe shop closes," Yuuya showed Marin his mobile screen.

"Sure," Marin laughed happily as the two said their goodbyes and left the set in a hurry.

"Yuuya you did great," Marin gave Yuuya a thumbs up with a big smile.

"The crepe shop would've closed if we wasted any more time there," Yuuya said plainly.

"What's with this weird concept of yours?" Yuuya didn't pay attention to this question and the two went to Sweet Street.

Back at the set,

'You bitch, I'll kill you,' Hikari showed the blonde guy the video of the incident that took place earlier.

"Harassing a fellow model, trying to attack a high school girl, these can get you in trouble alone, but to do both in less than 10 minutes? You understand what will happen if this gets out, right?" Hikari asked as the blonde guy's face turned paler than it was before.

"Now that you know about the consequences, let's talk about a deal that can help both of us, How about it?" Hikari smiled like a devil.


"I will be using these two shots," Hikari showed the photos of when the blondie was trying to press Miu and the photo of when he was stopped by Yuuya.

The first one didn't come out well since it was a screenshot of when he was filming, but the second one came out really well since Hikari was ready after spotting Yuuya.

"I'll still let your agency know about this, but it won't be as bad as when the public knows, What do you say?" Hikari asked and the blondie was at a loss for words.

Though one could say that, why doesn't the blonde guy just break the tablet? He has practiced boxing so he should be strong to some extent.

Well, Hikari may be a man who wears a pink frilly shirt but even then he knows how to pummel a guy, all his muscles aren't just for show.

"Huhu, that felt great, what a fruitful day," Hikari was enjoying himself after the deal was made.

"Hikari-san, are you sure about using those photos?" Miu asked since she felt a bit bad for the blonde guy, he surely had the worst day of his life today.

"Yep, these two shots will make a big impact, they are perfectly in line with my vision," Hikari laughed happily as Miu remembered something.

"Ah, Hikari-san, Yuuya-san asked me some questions about our agency, I answered them since he seemed curious," Hikari looked at Miu after hearing her and asked.

"What did he ask?"

"Like the treatment of the other models, and the workplace conditions, I was quite surprised since Yuuya-san doesn't look interested in modeling; Does Hikari-san think he became curious after today's shoot?" Miu asked and Hikari blinked a few times.

"Miu-chan, I'll recommend you some romance novels and movies, check them out in your free time,"

"Why suddenly?" Miu tilted her head in confusion and Hikari shook his head.

'She didn't notice it,' The reason Hikari picked up the camera while the blondie was gearing up to attack Marin was that he spotted Yuuya, who was coming towards the scene faster than his usual speed.

Anyone who had been seen Yuuya for some time can notice that his walking speed is different from others, even the way he walks is very different.

And he doesn't change it no matter what, Hikari had noticed it when Yuuya was moving around the set, even when Hikari told him to rush, Yuuya took his time.

But when Yuuya noticed that the blonde guy was about to lunge at Marin, he quickened his pace, for the first time. It was a small detail that wasn't noticed by anyone else since they were focused on the blondie and Marin.

And Yuuya wasn't the only one like that…

'Marin-chan as well,' Hikari had seen her reactions when Yuuya and Miu were close while the shoot, Marin was pouting unhappily the whole time.

'One of them is too obvious and the other one isn't,' Hikari sighed thinking about the two kids from before. But that came after…

'The internet is going to blow up soon, I can feel it,' Hikari thought as he laughed for the rest of the day.

And as he thought, the internet blew up on the day the photos were released.




I am here to drop a recommendation.

It is a fic named 'Advent of The Shadow Monarch'.

As the title suggests the mc has the powers of the shadow monarch but in the world of Tensura.

That is the short version, I happened to read the fic in the initial phase and even know some of the events that will take place down the line.

I quite enjoyed it since it was kind of interesting how someone with the Shadow Monarch's power will fare in the world of Tensura. And obviously, the mc will not get all the power from the start.

It is really interesting so give it a read if you feel like it.

Now with that out of the way let's talk about the main topic.

There will obviously be three chapters out this week.

But because there were no chaps last week.

But if this fic reaches let's say ...1000 ps by Wednesday, I'll upload three more chapters. this is kind of my apology but it would be too much if I give out six chapters like this (3 for SLAW if any of you don't know it is my first fic, well kind of.), so I need some sincerity from your side as well.

Don't forget to leave all of your power stones here if you want more chapters.

Allright that's all now run along and get the power stones from your friends as well.