
She was sitting beside him with a smile as she wriggled her eyebrows.

Yuuya just looked away from her and had some more tea.

"At least show a reaction," Apophis sighed in exasperation.

"Do I look like a female lead of a romance manga to you?" Yuuya asked.

"Well, we can make that happen," Apophis said jokingly as Yuuya sighed.

'I am sure they'll lose interest soon enough,' Yuuya was still thinking about his noisy classmates in school, teenagers didn't spend that much time with a gloomy and uninteresting person like him.

He looked at Apophis who just smiled sweetly at him making him go back to his previous thought.

'So, there is no need to worry, the fame that he got thanks to my face would soon die down,'

But he didn't know that his popularity in school wasn't decreasing even with his behavior, but rather it was increasing more rapidly.

And he didn't even know that it would get worse from tomorrow because…

"Tenjou-kun, did you really appear in this famous magazine?" That was the first question thrown in Yuuya's face as he entered the classroom the next day.

"What?" Yuuya blinked looking at Kaede in front of him.

"Kaede calm down a little, you are overwhelming him," Rin came in from behind and stopped Kaede.

"Look he has already crashed," Rin pointed at Yuuya who seemed like he was lost in his mind.

"Ah, I am sorry Tenjou-kun," Kaede apologized but Yuuya wasn't listening.

'What is going on?' Yuuya thought as he sat down on his seat while Rin explained what happened.

It was the photo shoot he participated in with Miu, apparently, that magazine was a famous one among young women for keeping up with fashion trends, not to mention that Miu herself was a big hit amongst teenagers as a model.

This combined with Yuuya brought about an explosive response.

"Do you know how surprised I was when I saw it? You were the last person I expected to work as a model," Rin sighed while looking at Yuuya.

"Well, it isn't much of a surprise that Yuuya got a gig as a Model," Ryou said and the others had to agree.

"What are you guys talking about?" Marin who had just returned from the toilet asked since the atmosphere in the class was a bit weird.

'Why is everyone looking this way?' Marin had even spotted a few girls from other classes standing outside the classroom peeking through the door.

"Marin did you not know, that this sneaky guy worked as a model," Rin said and Marin hit her palm with her fist as she realized.

"Did they release the mag already? I totes forgot to check it out," Marin quickly took out her phone in a hurry and went to the website of her agency.

"So you did know, Why didn't you answer when I asked yesterday?" Rin had asked about this in their chat group as soon as she recognized Yuuya, she even tried to ask Marin but got no response.

"Ugh, Don't make me remember yesterday, Grayfia only made me eat vegetables, I didn't even get any rice!!" That is why Marin wasn't able to function properly for the entire day.

'But Grayfia-chan promised to make a treat for me today, ah I can't wait~,' Marin was already a lost cause as soon as she thought of what kind of lunch she'd get today.

"And what about you Yuuya? Why didn't you answer the messages in Group Chat? Even the class chat group was going crazy last night," Rin turned to Yuuya and…

"I am in a group chat?" That was all she needed to hear and understand the reason, this guy didn't even know there was a chat group for the class not to mention their private one.

"Ok, I bought the mag, the pictures really did come out well," Marin who was back from Dreamland said with a smile.

"Yeah, let me see it again," Rin and Kaede leaned in to check out the mag in Marin's phone.

"Good morning everyone," This is when an unexpected came approached their group, at least from Yuuya's point of view since…

"Mornin' Honami-chan" Marin smiled and greeted her back naturally.

"Morning, Are you also here to meet our little star today?" Rin grinned and Honami laughed.

"Yes, I was very surprised to know a classmate of mine was a big model," Honami smiled brightly.

"If you want an autograph you'll need to line up," Rin joked well it wasn't really a joke since everyone was looking at Yuuya even students from other classes.

"I don't mind that, But I have to say that I really liked the photos, you almost didn't look like the same person," Honami said and Rin deadpanned.

"What do you mean Honami, where is the difference?" Rin pulled up the SNS page of the magazine and placed her phone screen next to Yuuya's face.

"Well, I was talking about this picture," Honami smiled wryly and pulled up the photo of Yuuya grabbing the blonde model by his shoulder.

"Oh, this? I was really surprised by this as well," Ryo nodded and even Rin had to admit it.

"Y-yeah, the model's acting was so realistic in these scenes," Shingo said while showing a picture where he was harassing Miu.

"Uh-huh that was really good," Marin nodded with a smile.

"But didn't you just see this?" Rin asked and Marin grinned.

"I was there during the photo shoot,"

"Oh! you saw this happen, Marin? How was it?" Ryou asked since it was interesting to know how things worked behind the scene.

'But why was she there?' Kaede didn't understand how Marin ended up on Yuuya's shoot.

'Keep your paws off my man, I am here to watch you so you be careful!' And Rin was imagining a whole scenario in her head.

'That's the spirit Marin!' Rin was happy with her own imagination and didn't even ask or mention anything about it.

"It was real good, it didn't even feel like acting," Marin grinned since she knew the truth but there was no way she could say what actually happened here.

"Yeah, if there wasn't a clarification, I would've thought that this really happened," Honami said and the other nodded, this was too good it clearly was the main attraction even on the internet.

-Kyaa~! Look at him being so protective

-I really can't, this was too good, really great acting.

-Get this man in a Romance K-Drama as soon as possible!!

-Take my goddamn money!!!

-Yeah, kudos to the people involved

-I wish he would do that for me

-I am swooning just thinking about it

-The blonde model is killing it, that scared look so genuine.

-Fr thought he'd piss his pants.

-Yeah, even the way he was acting like trash is so good. Totally loved it.

-He should totally get a chance as an actor

-Yeah he'll do great in the horror genre.

-Damn that man is so fine, Like how?

-Yeah, why is he so good-looking with such a straight face?

-I have a lot of questions, Why is his hair so damn shiny? Why is his skin so smooth and fair? And why the hell does his lips look so damn good? I am a man here, send help!!!

-You don't need help, you need to go to Nichome.


-Make him do a hair commercial, I'll buy the product even if it makes me bald.

-The Cosmetics companies are about to pop up from their coffins. *attach a gif of the undertaker getting up from the coffin

-His and Miu's pair is magical, I am in love here.

-I think I found my Ship!



-Comrade intensifies*

"It seems that everyone liked this, I am sure Tenjou-kun is happy," Honami said as everyone was having fun looking at the reaction on the internet.

"Yeah he is very happy alright," Rin grinned since Yuuya's face told everyone how 'happy' he was about this whole situation.

'Where did things go wrong?' Yuuya thought that, and for the entire day he was surrounded by classmates from his class or students from other classes asking him questions.

It was so bad that…

"We can't even go near him," Rin said looking at the crowd gathered around Yuuya's desk asking him all sorts of questions about the shoot.

"wesh, Dhis os yoytd vad,(Yesh, This is totes bad)" Marin said while eating her bento which was made by Grayfia.

"Eat slowly, no one is going to steal you Menchi Katsu, though I am tempted," Rin said as Marin moved away, she was not going to let that happen.

"You can try some if you want to Rin," Grayfia who was also near them opened her bento and showed it to Rin.

"Grayfia you are really an angel!!" Rin said as she tasted the food and…

"Ah~, it's so tasty~," Rin exclaimed as Marin spoke.

"You totes get it,"

"But shouldn't we help Yuuya?" Ryou said as from the way things were going Yuuya wouldn't be able to have any lunch.


4 chapters this week if you can reach 600 powerstones.

Good luck...