Adams' Turn

Corporal Augerinokor Adams, was a very famous and respected corporal among the people in the 120th, and now, he was about to do something so despicable for Dean who was studying in the air force base.

'Goddamn it, do I really have to do this, I'm not Dean, for God's sake,' Adams took the photograph of the girl's dorm to plan his infiltration plan to Aveline's room.

He really wanted to ask Sarah to retrieve Aveline's phone, but it would grab her into the fiasco that she didn't even know about. Adams, as a responsible boyfriend, didn't want to do that. She could end up similarly to Aveline if he did that.

Right now, Adams was doing recon on the girl's dorm. He wanted to know any escape point, and he didn't want to kill any student either. He was capable of using magic, but he was more inclined to use firearms. The only thing that Gardner allowed him to bring was a 5.7x28 mm pistol aka the armor-piercing pistol that symbolized the special forces community.