
Black bracelet, on Andre's hand? Could it be? No. Dean refused to believe that he would have to kidnap Andre. Sheesh, just, why? He needed to simply knew why and how he got that bracelet.

"Hmm, where did you get that bracelet?" Dean suddenly stopped his work.

He suddenly sweated profusely. He reached for his pistol slowly. He still remembered what Myra said about the people influenced by Parafable. They might be under the mind control of someone else, which pretty much what Dean was concerned of.

"Huh? I did say that it is from a human right movement," Andre said.

"Yeah, but what is the name?" Dean asked.

"The name? The name of the organization is Lordos, a front for human rights movement," Andre said.

"I see. What do they offer? What are they doing? Do they advocate for Menkaids or something?" Dean asked.

"They advocate for both human rights and Menkaid rights. Pretty cool, eh?"