Sarah, The Daughter

Dean put Sarah's sedated body on the back of his own car. It became apparent that it was a sudden kidnapping. However, one thing that Adams told him was that Sarah was too close to 120th Battallion academy that he chose to take matters to his own hands rather than letting her girlfriend died. 

Love made people do the stupidest thing, Hansen would be happy to know that Adams risked everything for his daughter's safety. However, Dean saw it as problems that would eventually come for him. First of all, where should he take Sarah in the first place? Better take her to her parents first, to be entirely honest. 

Dean grabbed his smartphone and called Hansen. 

"Good evening, sir," Dean said. 

"Dean, how's my little one? How's my daughter? Is she alright? Does she got hurt?"

"Sir, I'm happy to tell you that his boyfriend managed to save her before she got toasted by the radiation and dirty bombs," Dean explained.