Extra Chapter: Post-School

Dean was watching the graduation ceremony. The students were lining up in highly disciplined manner as they listened to the speech from Lieutenant Colonel Rigaes. Dean and Adams were just watching from second floor of the academy. Looking at the students from the second floor, he could see several familiar faces.

Andre, Orion, Scarlet, and Aveline were lining up in the front. They all looked forward for their graduation from the academy before they entered their next step, whether it became an officer or serving as a grunt in the current war, either through ground operation or space operation.

Dean wouldn't get any diploma for the current academy until he had gone pass his three years time in the penal unit. So, it was either going all-in into the war, or not getting anything and jeopardizing his whole future. Sure, the lab rat had basically deny him from receiving death sentence, but he still had to serve his time with ODA-12115.