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I opened the door to Goodsprings, immediately, the hot breeze of desert air entered my nostrils. The hot air of the Mojave Desert was no joke. It was something that I didn't get during the playthrough, in particularly because temperature wasn't exactly a gameplay element. 

The people of Goodsprings suddenly directed their gazes at me. Did they really take me for a good for nothing Vault Dweller? Nevertheless, I walked to the saloon. As usual, Victor, that securitron was roaming around in front of Mitchell's house for unknown reasons. 

I approached him, "Hey."

"Howdy, partner. You are one hell of a lucky guy, for someone who was shot in the head."

"What happened? Do you know?"

"Partner, let me tell you a story. So, Sunny was roaming around the Goodspring source to look for Gechos when you suddenly showed up in the main road. She said you were followed by a Gecho, and she took the shot. Well, you can figure the rest." He let out a clear sigh sound.