Police Interview Part 4

"I see, who else knows about this?" Officer Tang asks.

"My older brother said he would look into this." Jingwei replies. "He's been following my case from the beginning." 

"I see," Officer Tang says. Perhaps he wouldn't need to bring this up. Sun Tianwei was notorious for being meticulous, going through every detail with a fine-tooth comb so that he could nitpick it to perfection. If Sun Jingwei had informed his older brother, chances are his brother would have a contingency plan created the very next day. 

In fact, Sun Tianwei would be a lot more efficient in solving the issue than the overworked, underpaid and frankly exhausted police department. 

"There's also one more thing. We also got tailed by a black car on the way to this restaurant, but we lost them halfway thanks to someone's ridiculous driving." Xue Ning gives Jingwei a look from the corner of her eye, just in case anyone has any doubt about who she was referring to.