Meeting the Future Father-in-law Part 2

"Yeah, that's what I meant!" Jingwei nods enthusiastically. "And Father, caring for Xue Ning is as good as caring for my own life!"

His father's body twitches in irritation, as though he had gotten a nasty electric shock. Xue Ning turns to Jingwei, willing him to shut up, but of course, he doesn't. 

"Do you know that Xue Ning saved my life?" Jingwei continues excitedly, not waiting for his father to reply. "She told me to hide in the cubicle and then kicked that woman's ass! And then saved me from the car that tried to kill us both!" 

Xue Ning only nods awkwardly. She remembers that near fatal car accident very differently - how Sun Jingwei was so fucking stubborn he tried to shove her out of the way when she's supposed to be protecting him. 

Her cheeks heat up when she remembers what happened after. God. Please let Sun Haowei be unable to read minds.

Meanwhile, Sun Haowei raises an incredulous eyebrow.