Washing Up Together

"I need you."

These words in Xue Ning's voice echoed in the quiet bathroom, sending Jingwei's mind straight back into the gutter.

Not that it actually left the gutter, mind you, but Jingwei had been valiantly trying to control his urges. He wasn't a brute!

"To do what?" Jingwei asked hesitantly. It couldn't be to wash her body right? Xue Ning already scrubbed herself clean and inadvertently let out a lot of sexy little moans that made his life a lot harder than it needed to be. 

By 'life', he meant his cock. 

"Need you to untangle my hair," Xue Ning said sheepishly. "Lady Su Yan used a lot of pins to style it and I forgot to take them out before I showered." 

"Oh." Jingwei said, staring at his hands that were trembling in excitement. "I'll do my best then, don't blame me if I yank out all of your hair."

"You dare?" Xue Ning asked challengingly.